
What is the theme of Say Yes by Tobias Wolff?

What is the theme of Say Yes by Tobias Wolff?

The main themes of the short story “Say Yes” by Tobias Wolff are interracial love and marriage – and racism – but also that of domestic power conflict, because the spouses fight to impose their opinion on the other.

What is the setting of Say Yes by Tobias Wolff?

The short story “Say Yes” by Tobias Wolff is set during the 1980s in the USA, somewhere in the state of California as the reference to “El Camino” suggests. You should know that El Camino is the name given to a historical highway which connects several places in the state of California.

What does the ending of Say Yes by Tobias Wolff mean?

By the end of the story, though he has said he would marry her, she does not commit to forgiving him. She even indicates that she might not accept “his offer” of marriage. She does venture into their bedroom, where her husband is already in bed, but only on the condition that her husband turn off the light.

Who wrote the short story the school?

The School Story

Cover of first edition, 2001
Author Andrew Clements
Genre Children’s literature
Publisher Simon & Schuster
Publication date 2001

What is the tone of the story the School?

The language of “The School” by Donald Barthelme is mostly simple and easy to follow — Standard American English. The tone is very casual, marked by direct address and ellipsis as if the narrator is orally accounting his story to an interlocutor (such as the reader):

When was Say Yes written by Tobias Wolff?

The short story written by Tobias Wolff in 1985 entitled Say Yes, manages to remind us with mostly the written dialog of the story that there were and possible still are conflicts within society of whether Caucasians and African Americans should marry.

Who is the antagonist in Say Yes by Tobias Wolff?

Ann takes a static stance on her beliefs, while the antagonist husband is barely dynamic in nature. In brief, all things considered, he thought it was a bad idea until he wants to make it up to [her] (1385, 1387). Ann, on the other hand, doesnt see whats wrong with a white person marrying a black person (1385).

Who are the two characters in Say Yes?

As the husband was observing the stars to the west, he felt ashamed that he had let his wife get him into a fight (1387). The only two characters in this story are the husband and his wife and the topic of whether white people should marry black people came up while he was assisting with the dishes (1385).

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