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What is bop and BoT in economics?

What is bop and BoT in economics?

Balance of trade (BOT) is the difference between the value of a country’s exports and the value of a country’s imports for a given period. Balance of trade is the largest component of a country’s balance of payments (BOP).

What is difference between bop and BoT?

BOT is a statement which records a country’s imports and exports of goods with other countries in a period. Whereas BOP records all the economic transactions performed by that country within a period. A major difference between BOP and BOT is regarding the records they keep.

What is BOP and its components?

The BoP consists of three main components—current account, capital account, and financial account. As mentioned earlier, the BoP should be zero. The current account must balance with the combined capital and financial accounts.

What is BOP equilibrium?

When the demand and supply of any foreign currency in a country in a given time period is equal, it is termed as ‘Equilibrium position’ in the balance of payment. The surplus in the balance of payment occurs when the total payments are exceeded by the total receipts.

What is BoP write about the economy?

Balance Of Payment (BOP) is a statement which records all the monetary transactions made between residents of a country and the rest of the world during any given period. This means, all the transactions will have a debit entry and a corresponding credit entry.

What is BoT in economics?

The Balance of trade (BOT) is the difference between a country’s imports and its exports for a given time period. A trade surplus or deficit, taken on its own, is not necessarily a viable indicator of an economy’s health. The numbers must be taken in context relative to the business cycle and other economic indicators.

Is a component of BOP?

There are three components of balance of payment viz current account, capital account, and financial account. The total of the current account must balance with the total of capital and financial accounts in ideal situations.

What are the two components of BOP?

Components of BOP Accounts: According to the broad nature of the transactions concerned, the BOP of a country is divided into two main parts: (i) the current account, and the (ii) capital account. The other part is official reserve account.

What are the reasons for BOP disequilibrium?

Causes of Disequilibrium in Balance of Payments

  • Unfavorable Balance of Trade.
  • Cyclical Fluctuations, their Phases, and Amplitudes.
  • Burden of Payment of Foreign Debt.
  • Speedy Economic Development.
  • Inadequate Promotion of Exports.
  • Inflationary Spiral at Home.
  • Capital Movements.
  • Natural Factor.

Why is the BOP important?

A country’s BOP is vital for the following reasons: The BOP of a country reveals its financial and economic status. The BOP statement helps the Government to decide on fiscal and trade policies. It provides important information to analyze and understand the economic dealings of a country with other countries.

What’s the difference between a bop and a bot?

Whether invisibles are included or not in the BOT, it is clear that the BOP is a broader concept than BOT. BOT is classified into balance of visible and invisible trade. The BOT is said to improve when exports of visible items (and invisible items) rise more than or fall less than imports of visible items (and invi­sible items).

What’s the difference between Bot and balance of payments?

The balance of trade (BOT) is a component in the balance of payment which makes up a large part of the current account. The article clearly explains balance of payments and balance of trade, highlights the relationship between the two and explains the similarities and differences between BOT and BOP.

How is trade balance classified in a bot?

BOT is classified into balance of visible and invisible trade. The BOT is said to improve when exports of visible items (and invisible items) rise more than or fall less than imports of visible items (and invi­sible items). Conversely, the trade balance deterio­rates.