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What is Administratively Uncontrollable overtime?

What is Administratively Uncontrollable overtime?

Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime is Premium Pay AUO pay is a form of premium pay that substitutes for payment for irregular, unscheduled overtime work and is paid on an annual basis instead of on an hourly basis.

How is AUO calculated?

AUO pay is determined as a percentage, not less than 10 percent nor more than 25 percent, of an employee’s rate of basic pay fixed by law or administrative action for the position held by the employee, including any applicable special pay adjustment for law enforcement officers under section 404 of the Federal …

How does AUO work?

AUO is a type of premium pay that is paid on a pro-rated annual basis as a flat rate to an employee to ensure his/her availability for unscheduled duty beyond the 40-hour workweek. AUO guarantees compensation to employees who are faced with unique conditions of employment.

Does AUO count towards retirement?

Benefits and deductions. AUO is only considered base pay for law enforcement officers, for purposes of retirement and TSP contributions (5 U.S.C. 8331(3)(D)). It is not base pay for anyone else for any reason.

Can federal employees be forced to work overtime?

Federal mandatory overtime laws allow employers to require their employees to work overtime. Federal law does not prohibit this requirement by employers. If an employee refuses to work mandatory overtime required by the employer, the employer has the right to terminate the employee.

What is the 7k exemption?

The Section 7(k) exemption softens the overtime provisions by allowing employers to extend the length of the work period beyond seven consecutive days and to increase the threshold of maximum hours.

What is standby AUO avail pay?

Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime (AUO) Pay – Premium pay to an employee as a percentage of their annual rate of basic pay for hours of duty consisting of substantial amounts of irregular or occasional overtime work with the employee generally being responsible for recognizing, without supervision, circumstances …

Do FBI agents get paid overtime?

FBI Overtime Pay The OPM says an agent’s overtime is usually paid for through availability. This reflects the need for agents to be available for unscheduled work outside of regular hours. Availability pay is 25 percent of the basic pay rate.

What is a 1811 criminal investigator?

An 1811 is the Federal criminal investigator classification series established by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. OPM defined this series to include positions that involve planning and conducting investigations relating to alleged or suspected violations of criminal laws.

Can I get fired for not working on my day off?

Can my Job Make me Work on my Day Off and Fire me if I Refuse? Firing an employee during his or her day off is a complicated question in employment law. Unfortunately for most workers the answer is: yes. You can be fired on your day off for refusing to show up at work if your employer asks you to come.

What is the federal law on overtime?

The federal overtime provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Unless exempt, employees covered by the Act must receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in a workweek at a rate not less than time and one-half their regular rates of pay.

How much overtime do you get for AUO?

(See 5 U.S.C. 5542 (a).) In addition, an employee who receives AUO pay and is nonexempt from (covered by) the overtime pay provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, is entitled to additional overtime pay of 0.5 times the employee’s rate of basic pay for all hours of work over 42.75 hours in a week, including meal periods.

What are the overtime rules for FLSA nonexempt employees?

Prior to May 4, 1991, OPM regulations provided a dual computation method for FLSA-nonexempt employees also covered by title 5 overtime rules: one computation under title 5 overtime hours of work and pay computation rules and one computation under the FLSA overtime hours of work and pay computation rules.

How are overtime hours determined for federal employees?

For FLSA-nonexempt Federal employees covered by the title 5 premium pay provisions, compensable hours of work used in determining the number of overtime hours under FLSA are derived using both title 5 and FLSA hours of work rules.

Which is an alternative form of overtime under Title 5?

AUO pay is an alternative form of overtime pay authorized under 5 U.S.C. 5545 (c) (2) and 5 CFR 550.151-550.163. For those receiving AUO pay (hereafter referred to as an “AUO employee”), that pay is the sole compensation under title 5 for all “irregular or occasional overtime work” hours.