
What are commissural tracts?

What are commissural tracts?

Commissural fibers of the brain, also known as commissural tracts of the brain or commissures are a type of white matter tract that cross the midline, connecting the same cortical area in opposite hemispheres (right-left hemispheric connections 3).

What is an example of a commissural tract?

The most recognised and well understood of the commissural pathways are the habenular commissure, anterior commissure, posterior commissure, corpus callosum, and the hippocampal commissure or commissure of the fornix, all of which are located in the cerebral hemispheres.

What are Commissural fibers made of?

The commissural fibers or transverse fibers are axons that connect the two hemispheres of the brain. In contrast to commissural fibers, association fibers connect regions within the same hemisphere of the brain, and projection fibers connect each region to other parts of the brain or to the spinal cord.

What is a major commissural fiber tract?

Commissural fibers connect areas of the contralateral hemispheres. The three main commissural tracts are the CC, anterior commissure (AC), and posterior commissure. They play an important role in cognition, motor function, and perception (Catani & Thiebaut de Schotten, 2012; Jellison et al., 2004).

What are the 3 Commissures?

Commissures are fiber tracts that are defined to connect corresponding cortical areas of both telencephalic hemispheres with each other. They comprise the anterior commissure, the hippocampal commissure, and the corpus callosum.

What connects the 2 hemispheres What is it made of?

A fissure or groove that separates the two hemispheres is called the great longitudinal fissure. The two sides of the brain are joined at the bottom by the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum connects the two halves of the brain and delivers messages from one half of the brain to the other.

What is commissural fiber and give an example?

Commissural fibers include: corpus callosum (CC) is the main commissural tract. anterior commissure. hippocampal commissure (psalterium) habenular commissure.

What is Corner of mouth called?

Anatomical terminology. The commissure is the corner of the mouth, where the vermillion border of the superior labium (upper lip) meets that of the inferior labium (lower lip). The commissure is important in facial appearance, particularly during some functions, including smiling.