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Is accident another word for mistake?

Is accident another word for mistake?

The words slip and mistake are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, slip stresses inadvertence or accident and applies especially to trivial but embarrassing mistakes.

What is meant by an accident is a mishap?

Definition of mishap 1 : an unfortunate accident The fire was a tragic mishap that could have been prevented. 2 : bad luck : misfortune The ceremony proceeded without mishap.

What do you call a bad accident?

mishap. Evil accident; ill luck; misfortune; mischance. 15. 3.

What is the difference between accident and mishap?

As nouns the difference between accident and mishap is that accident is an unexpected event with negative consequences occurring without the intention of the one suffering the consequences while mishap is an accident, mistake, or problem.

Is a mishap a mistake?

As nouns the difference between mistake and mishap is that mistake is an error; a blunder while mishap is an accident, mistake, or problem.

What is the antonyms of accident?

accident. Antonyms: law, purpose, appointment, ordainment, provision, preparation. Synonyms: chance, fortuity, disaster, incident, adventure, casualty, hazard, contingency, calamity, misadventure, mishap.

What is the sudden accident that causes great damage?

As per the Oxford dictionary a disaster is “a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life”1.

What’s the opposite of the word mistake?

Opposite of a mistake or error. correctness. accuracy. faultlessness. precision.

Which is the best synonym for the word accident?

Accidents: a chance and usually sudden event bringing loss or injury. Synonyms: casualties, mischances, mishaps… Find the right word.

Which is the closest synonym for the word mishap?

Mishap: a chance and usually sudden event bringing loss or injury. Synonyms: accident, casualty, mischance While all these words mean “adverse fortune or an instance of this,” mishap applies to an often trivial instance of bad luck. took the wrong road by mischance

Can a mishap take the place of a mischance?

The meanings of mischance and mishap largely overlap; however, mischance applies especially to a situation involving no more than slight inconvenience or minor annoyance. In what contexts can misfortune take the place of mishap?

When did we have our first serious mishap?

We covered a good ten miles when we had our first serious mishap since leaving the Indian village. The most generous of men was Earl Hakon, yet even to such a chief befell so great mishap on his dying-day. As a fact it would rest with the burghers themselves to protect their goods and persons from mishap.