
Why is my period heavy when I just started?

Why is my period heavy when I just started?

A sudden heavy period may be the result of normal hormonal fluctuations or a side effect of birth control. However, heavy periods can also indicate an underlying health condition. A person should talk to their doctor if they experience heavy bleeding or cramping that prevents them from completing normal activities.

Is it bad if your period is heavy?

If you need to change your tampon or pad after less than 2 hours or you pass clots the size of a quarter or larger, that is heavy bleeding. If you have this type of bleeding, you should see a doctor. Untreated heavy or prolonged bleeding can stop you from living your life to the fullest. It also can cause anemia.

Can I bleed to death from a heavy period?

Women with heavier periods (menorrhagia) typically lose 80 milliliters (2.7 ounces) of blood. Although this may seem like a lot, the human body holds more than 1 gallon of blood. Losing a couple of ounces during your menstrual cycle isn’t enough to cause complications or result in exsanguination.

What does it mean if your period is super heavy?

A heavy period is referred to as a menorrhagia and this is when you lose an excessive quantity of blood in consecutive periods. Some women will only experience the heavy periods while others have additional symptoms, such as severe menstrual pain.

Why is my period getting heavier?

The main reason periods are heavier or lighter is hormones. When you are first starting out with your period, you may or may not have high enough levels of the hormones that trigger the uterine lining to thicken up.

What medications can stop heavy periods?

Both over-the-counter and prescription medications may be used to help control the symptoms of menorrhagia. Options include: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): When taken during periods, these medications may make periods lighter and reduce pain and cramps.

What are the symptoms of a heavy period?

In severe cases, a heavy period can interfere with your daily activities and sleep. In addition, heavy periods can lead to anemia and cause you to experience symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue.