
Why is my Flowerhorn poop white?

Why is my Flowerhorn poop white?

Most of the time, you’ll barely notice this mucus coating because of what your fish eats. The mucus is stretched thin and you’ll see a mush similar in color to the pellets you feed. If your fish has not been eating, you will only see the mucus. This is the “stringy, white fish poop” in fish.

How do you treat Hexamita?

The recommended treatment for hexamita is metronidazole (Flagyl) administered in a medicated food or, if the fish are not eating, in a bath treatment. Metronidazole can be administered orally at a dosage of 50 mg/kg body weight (or 10 mg/gm food) for 5 consecutive days.

Do fishes pee?

Fish have kidneys which produce urine containing ammonium, phosphorus, urea, and nitrous waste. The expelled urine encourages plant growth on coral reefs; downstream benefits also include increased fertilization of algae and seagrass, which in turn provides food for the fish.

Why is my discus poop white?

White Stringy Faeces This is an intestinal parasite, and can turn bacterial in extreme cases. This problem needs to be addressed quickly if the discus is to recover. Once taken a hold, it is very difficult (or in some cases, impossible) to get a discus back to full health after being attacked by such a parasite.

What are white strings in poop?

They usually look like white threads and are also called threadworms. Pinworms typically live in the lower part of the gut and lay eggs on the skin around the anus. This can cause discomfort and itching. The infection usually starts with a person getting pinworm eggs in their mouth, often from infected stool.

Is Hole in the Head bacterial or fungal?

Hexamita or hole in the head disease In all cases this affection is a bacterial infection. Affection by hole in the head disease may occur by bad resistance of a fish, in combination with bad quality of water. The pathogenic organisms, which cause hole in the head disease are always present in a pond.

Can a Flowerhorn be treated with just water?

You cannot treat the Flowerhorn by treating the water only as the parasite that is responsible for these diseases lives under the skin of the fish. This is a very contagious disease and for treating you need to treat the water of the aquarium totally.

Why do my Flowerhorns have white spots on them?

As the name suggests, when your flowerhorn is suffering from this disease you can see the white spots all over them. It looks like someone sprinkled salt all over the fish body. The fish may not want to eat and mostly stay cluttered in the corner of the tank.

How can you tell if a Flowerhorn has a disease?

When a Flowerhorn is affected by this disease you can notice white spots all over the fish body. There will be a change in their behavior too as they will act a bit lethargic than usual. Their fins will be clumped together and they will not eat normally. Most of the time you will find them at the corner of the tank.

How often do you wash a Flowerhorn tank?

Add aquarium salt at 3g/l of water every 3 days together with the medication. After 3rd day, tank must be washed thoroughly to eliminate the causative agent. Add Kordon Malachite Green treatment to your tank.