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Why did Klimt draw The Kiss?

Why did Klimt draw The Kiss?

In the early 1890s Klimt met Emilie Louise Flöge who, notwithstanding the artist’s relationships with other women, was to be his companion until the end of his life. His painting The Kiss is thought to be an image of them as lovers.

Who is the woman in The Kiss by Klimt?

One such muse is Emilie Flöge, the woman long rumoured to be the woman in Gustav Klimt’s masterpiece The Kiss. Born in 1874, Flöge possessed the usual suspects of beauty and charm, but she was also an innovative fashion designer, businesswoman and radical.

What is the theme of The Kiss by Gustav Klimt?

Art Nouveau
Modern artSymbolismVienna Secession
The Kiss/Periods

What is the form of The Kiss painting?

The Kiss/Forms

Who owns Klimt kiss?

2. Despite the public outcry it generated, “The Kiss” sold before the artist had completely finished it. The Belvedere Museum of Vienna, Austria, was the purchaser.

Where is the kiss kept?

Austrian Gallery Belvedere
The Kiss/Locations
The painting now hangs in the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere museum in the Belvedere, Vienna, and is considered a masterpiece of Vienna Secession (local variation of Art Nouveau) and Klimt’s most popular work.

Who did the painting The Kiss?

Gustav Klimt
The Kiss/Artists
Gustav Klimt1908-1909 “The Kiss”, probably the most popular work by Gustav Klimt, was first exhibited in 1908 at the Kunstschau art exhibition on the site of today’s Konzerthaus.

What is Gustav Klimt’s style?

Modern artVienna SecessionSymbolism
Gustav Klimt/Periods

Who carved the kiss?

Auguste Rodin
The Kiss (Rodin sculpture)

The Kiss
French: Le Baiser
Artist Auguste Rodin
Year 1882
Type Marble

Where does the Kiss hang?

Österreichische Galerie Belvedere museum
The painting hangs in the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere museum in the Belvedere palace, Vienna, and is widely considered a masterpiece of the early modern period. It is an icon of the Jugendstil—Viennese Art Nouveau—and is considered Klimt’s most popular work.

What kind of painting is the Kiss by Klimt?

The Kiss (in German, Liebespaar, Lovers) is an oil painting with added silver and gold leaf by the Austrian Symbolist painter Gustav Klimt. It is considered a masterpiece of the early modern period, an icon of the Jugendstil—Viennese Art Nouveau—and is considered Klimt’s most popular work.

What kind of art did Gustav Klimt do?

The Story Behind Gustav Klimt’s Shimmering Symbolist Painting ‘The Kiss’. Austrian artist Gustav Klimt is known for his ethereal, pattern-rich portraits. Today, several of these canvases are considered masterpieces, though This Kiss, a particularly exquisite piece, seems to float above the rest.

Where did the painting the kiss come from?

Klimt’s father was a traveling artisan specializing in gold engravings, but Klimt’s use of gold leaf in paintings was inspired by a trip he made to Italy in 1903. When he visited Ravenna he saw the Byzantine mosaics in the Church of San Vitale.

What kind of duality does Gustav Klimt represent?

We can see a distinct duality between the masculine and feminine within this painting. The composition of the two figures with the man standing above captures the dominant, sometimes overpowering masculine force. The sharp and fairly heavy geometric blocks on the man’s robe echo this force.