Users' questions

Who was Aphrodite in love with?

Who was Aphrodite in love with?

Her lovers included Ares, the god of war, and the mortal Anchises, a Trojan prince with whom she had a famous son, Aeneas. Her most famous lover, however, was the handsome and youthful mortal Adonis.

What are Aphrodite’s powers?

As the goddess of love, Aphrodite has more power to sense, inspire and control the emotions of love and sexual desire than any other god. Her powers have been demonstrated to be powerful enough to influence Zeus himself.

Did Zeus and Aphrodite have a child?

In Greek mythology, Zeus married Aphrodite to Hephaestus because he feared that her beauty would cause a war between the gods for her affection. Ares and Aphrodite conceived as many as eight children: Deimos, Phobos, Harmonia, Adrestia and the four Erotes (Eros, Anteros, Pothos and Himeros).

Who did Aphrodite curse?

A punishment inflicted by Aphrodite in revenge for wounding her during the Trojan War. EOS The goddess of the dawn was cursed by Aphrodite with an unquenchable desire for young men as punishment for lying with the goddess’s lover Ares.

Is Aphrodite dead?

Immortality: Aphrodite is an immortal, as she cannot die through natural causes or weapons that can easily kill a mortal. Only other gods, divine weapons or other immortals, can probably harm her. Amokinesis: Aphrodite attracts both men and women naturally through her presence and/or by her will.

Who was Zeus in love with?

Zeus fell in love with Io and seduced her under a thick blanket of cloud to keep Hera from learning of it. But Hera was no fool; she flew down from Olympus, dispersed the cloud, and found Zeus standing by a white heifer, who of course was Io.

Who has Zeus slept with?

The following is an indicative list of characters that Zeus consorted with:

  • Europa.
  • Io.
  • Semele.
  • Ganymede.
  • Callisto.
  • Dione.
  • Persephone.
  • Nemesis.