Users' questions

Who is the most famous book writer?

Who is the most famous book writer?

List of best-selling fiction authors

Author Min. estimated sales Number of books
William Shakespeare 2 billion 42
Agatha Christie 2 billion 85
Barbara Cartland 500 million 723
Danielle Steel 500 million 179

What is the author’s name on a book called?

Pen name
A pen name, also called a nom de plume (French: [nɔ̃ də plym]) or a literary double, is a pseudonym (or, in some cases, a variant form of a real name) adopted by an author and printed on the title page or by-line of their works in place of their real name.

Who is the author of India book?

Who is the author of the book ‘India and the Netherlands – Past, Present and Future’? Notes: The book titled ‘India and the Netherlands – Past, Present and Future’ has been penned by Indian Ambassador to the Netherlands Venu Rajamony.

Who wrote books?

An author is a person who writes books or articles, usually for money. It can also refer to the person responsible for something, like the author of a plan to overthrow the student government.

Can you publish a book under a fake name?

Yes, authors can self-publish using their pen name or nom de plume. If you’re self-publishing a book, you can definitely use a pseudonym when writing and publishing your book. In fact, many indie authors use a pseudonym or nom de plume when they publish books in several different genres.

Which is the smallest book in the world?

Teeny Ted from Turnip Town
The current Guinness World Record holder for the world’s smallest reproduction of a printed book is “Teeny Ted from Turnip Town,” a children’s story etched using an ion beam onto pure crystalline silicon by Simon Frazer University in Canada. It measures 70 by 100 micrometers, marginally larger than Aniskin’s.

What is a female writer called?

An authoress is a female author. Most people object to this word, and prefer to be called authors.

Who is the best writer in the world?


  • Leo Tolstoy — 327.
  • William Shakespeare — 293.
  • James Joyce — 194.
  • Vladimir Nabokov — 190.
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky — 177.
  • William Faulkner — 173.
  • Charles Dickens — 168.
  • Anton Chekhov — 165.

Who is the best author?

James Patterson is the world’s highest-paid author by a wide margin, and has been the world’s best-selling author since 2001. He has sold more than 350 million books worldwide, and is most famous for the ” Alex Cross ” crime novel series.

What are some good authors to read?

Tuten can move seamlessly from magic realism to more traditional prose.

  • Ocean Vuong.
  • Diane Williams.
  • Karen Tei Yamashita.
  • Brian Evenson.
  • Terese Svoboda.
  • Joan Wickersham.
  • Kevin Canty.
  • Steve Stern.
  • Terry McMillan.
  • What is authors list?

    A list of all of the authors featured at American Literature, organized alphabetically by last name (by row, left to right) so that you can find your favorite authors’ stories, novels, poems and essays easily (or use the “search” box above). Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell. Abdullah, Achmed. Adams, Andy. Ade, George.