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Who is Kane and who is Lynch?

Who is Kane and who is Lynch?

The original Kane & Lynch (subtitled Dead Men) was a third-person shooter inspired by cinematic crime-epics such as Michael Mann’s Heat. It followed two aspiring bank-robbers, the misanthropic Kane and the psychotic Lynch, who were notable mainly for their peculiar talent for screwing things up.

Is Kane and Lynch online?

Non-stop action in Single Player, online Co-op and Multiplayer.

How long is Kane and Lynch?

Based on 234 User Ratings

Platform Polled Main
PC 218 5h 21m
PlayStation 3 19 5h 50m
Xbox 360 28 6h 48m

Is Kane and Lynch 2 online co-op?

The next instalment in the Kane & Lynch series will feature an online co-op mode, along with the offline co-op and competitive online modes of the first game. …

What did James Seth Lynch do to his wife?

James Seth Lynch was found guilty of the murder of his wife. He is sentenced to death and awaits transportation to death row. James Seth Lynch was interviewed after he received the death sentence for killing his wife.

Where is Lynch at the end of Dead Men?

At the end of Dead Men, he is displeased with either choice you make, furthering his pessimist nature. Two years later, he now resides on Shanghai with his girlfriend Xiu, trying to make a new life with her.

What was the name of Lynch’s girlfriend in Shanghai?

Lynch has started a new life in Shanghai with a girlfriend named Xiu, working for a crime organization led by English-born expat Glazer. When Glazer tells Lynch about a plan to smuggle guns to Africa, Lynch contacts Kane for aid in return for a split in the deal.

How did Lynch and Shelly escape from the boat?

Kane, Lynch, Shelly and Jenny head for the pier in hopes of escaping by boat. But just when they reach it, Jenny is critically wounded. Shelly loses his patience and attempts to escape himself while a distraught Kane and angry Lynch escape on another boat but not before Lynch is shot in the shoulder.