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Where is Muhammad al-Khwarizmi from?

Where is Muhammad al-Khwarizmi from?

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi/Place of birth

When and where was Al-Khwarizmi born?

Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi/Full name

When did Al-Khwarizmi make a map of the world?

Al-Khwārizmī’s third major work is his Kitāb Ṣūrat al-Arḍ (Arabic: كتاب صورة الأرض‎, “Book of the Description of the Earth”), also known as his Geography, which was finished in 833.

When did Muhammad ibn Musa Khwarizmi died?

850 AD
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi/Date of death

Who is the father of algorithm?

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
The word algorithm itself is derived from the name of the 9th-century mathematician Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, whose nisba (identifying him as from Khwarazm) was Latinized as Algoritmi.

Where was Muhammad ibn Musa al Khwarizmi born?

Early Life: He was born in Persia of that time around 780. Al-Khwarizmi was one of the learned men who worked in the House of Wisdom. Al-Khwarizmi flourished while working as a member of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad under the leadership of Kalif al-Mamun, the son of the Khalif Harun al-Rashid, who was made famous in the Arabian Nights.

Why was Muhammad ibn Musa al Khwarizmi called the grandfather of Computer Science?

Al-Khwarizmi developed the concept of the algorithm in mathematics (which is a reason for his being called the grandfather of computer science by some people). Advertisements. Al-Khwarizmi’s algebra is regarded as the foundation and cornerstone of the sciences.

Who was Muhammad ibn Musa and what did he do?

Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (Persian: محمد بن موسی خوارزمی ‎, romanized: Moḥammad ben Musā Khwārazmi; c. 780 – c. 850), Arabized as al-Khwarizmi and formerly Latinized as Algorithmi, was a Persian polymath who produced vastly influential works in mathematics, astronomy, and geography.

How did Muhammad ibn Musa al Khwarizmi solve the quadratic equation?

Al-Khwārizmī’s method of solving linear and quadratic equations worked by first reducing the equation to one of six standard forms (where b and c are positive integers) squares equal roots (ax 2 = bx) squares equal number (ax 2 = c) roots equal number (bx = c) squares and roots equal number (ax 2 + bx = c)