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Where in the Bible does it say man will live 120 years?

Where in the Bible does it say man will live 120 years?

When mankind had become corrupted in the period preceding the flood, God said: ‘My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh; his days shall be a hundred and twenty years’ (Gen. 6:3).

What does the Bible say about Genesis 7?

Bible Gateway Genesis 7 :: NIV. The LORD then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him.

What does Noah’s ark teach us?

God tells Noah to build an ark and fill it with every species on the earth. When the ark is full, a flood inundates the earth. God makes a covenant with humanity never to destroy the world again. The rainbow is given as a reminder of this covenant.

What stands out to you about God’s judgment What questions does God’s judgment raise for you?

What stands out to you about God’s judgment? What questions does God’s judgment raise for you? The result of sin is death, and there is no escape from it. What does the flood teach you about faith in God’s Word and God’s faithfulness to His Word?

How many years did Jesus live on earth?

Answer: Christ lived on earth about thirty-three years, and led a most holy life in poverty and suffering.

What is the summary of Genesis Chapter 7?

Noah is 600 years old when the flood begins. He and his family escape in the ark, along with the clean animals, unclean animals, and birds. The flood comes as God had said, and God seals Noah, his wife, Noah’s sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives inside the ark.

What was Noah’s promise to God?

God’s covenant with Noah was a commitment to maintain the inherent relationship between Creator and creation; his relationship with the natural order – implicit in the act of creation – whereby he promised never again to destroy the earth with a flood.

What is God’s Judgements?

In Catholic doctrine, divine judgment (Latin judicium divinum), as an imminent act of God, denotes the action of God’s retributive justice by which the destiny of rational creatures is decided according to their merits and demerits.