
When should modifier 50 be used?

When should modifier 50 be used?

bilateral procedures
Use modifier 50 to report bilateral procedures performed during the same operative session by the same physician in either separate operative areas (e.g., hands, feet, legs, arms, ears) or in the same operative area (e.g., nose, eyes, breasts).

Does Medicare pay for modifier 50?

Modifier 50 Reimbursement Reimbursement for bilateral services is determined using the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database (MPFSDB). The “Bilateral Surgery Indicator” in the MPFSDB indicates how the bilateral service must be submitted to Medicare.

How does modifier 50 affect reimbursement?

Modifier 50 affects payment For Medicare and many commercial payors, proper application of modifier 50 increases reimbursement to 150 percent of the allowable fee schedule payment for the code to which the modifier is appended.

Is 50 modifier still valid?

As of January 1, 2020, you will no longer be able to report modifier 50 with add-on codes. Add-on codes describe services that are always performed in conjunction with a primary service by the same provider in the same encounter or patient session.

What is the 52 modifier used for?

reduced services
Modifier 52 This modifier is used to indicate partial reduction, cancellation or discontinuation of services for which anesthesia is not planned. The modifier provides a means for reporting reduced services without disturbing the identification of the basic service.

Why is 51 modifier used?

Modifier 51 is used to identify the second and subsequent procedures to third party payers. The use of modifier 51 indicates that the multiple procedure discount should be applied to the reimbursement for the code.

When to use modifier 50 in CPT description?

Do not use modifier 50 with a procedure code that is described as bilateral, or unilateral or bilateral, in its CPT description. Do not report a bilateral procedure on two lines of service by appending modifier 50 to the second line of service.

Can a CPT code be reported with bilateral modifier?

CPT or HCPCS codes that are bilateral in intent or have bilateral in their description should not be reported with the bilateral modifier 50 or modifiers LT and RT because the code is inclusive of the bilateral procedure. CMS has updated its policies concerning the appropriate use and reporting of these modifiers.

When to use the modifier 50 in osteotomy?

Modifier 50 cannot be appended when bilateral indicators are 0, 2, 3 or 9. The terminology for procedure code 27158 (osteotomy, pelvis, bilateral) indicates the procedure is performed bilaterally.

What does 0 mean on a radiology modifier?

“0″ indicates a unilateral code; modifier 50 is not billable. “1” indicates modifier 50 can be appropriate. “2” indicates a bilateral code; modifier 50 is not billable. “3” indicates primary radiology codes; modifier 50 is not billable.