Helpful tips

What should be on a site notice?

What should be on a site notice?

The site notice must be inscribed or printed in indelible ink on a white background, affixed on rigid, durable material and secured against damage from bad weather and other causes.

How long does a site notice need to be displayed?

The application must be received by the local authority within 2 weeks of the notice appearing in the local newspaper and the erection of the site notice. The site notice must remain in place for at least 5 weeks from the date of receipt of the planning application.

How hard is it to get planning permission in Ireland?

A tough subject for some. Rural planning can be difficult to figure out. This is a general guide to housing need and general planning policies that are common in Ireland. Getting Rural Planning Permission can be difficult, but if you have a genuine housing need claim, then it should be easy!

What plans are needed for planning permission?

Most planning applications need you to submit two plans as supporting documents: a location plan, which shows the site and the surrounding area, and a site plan, which shows the proposed development in detail.

What does a site notice mean?

Where the land or structure to which a planning application relates does not adjoin a public road, a Site Notice shall be erected or fixed in a conspicuous position on the land or structure so as to be easily visible and legible by persons outside the land or structure, and shall not be obscured or concealed at any …

What is a site notice?

A site notice will contain the following information: (a) the place and hours at which the application is available for public. inspection; (b) the specified period within which comments on the application may. be made to the Board; and.

Can I build a house on my farmland?

The number of and function of the house you want to build means the difference between getting your building approved or not– if you can prove that the building is for farming purposes (like living on-site to tend to crops or livestock), you’ll likely get permission to build your house on agricultural land.

Is building without planning permission illegal?

If you build without planning permission, you may not be breaking any rules. However, if there is a planning breach, you may have to submit a retrospective application or even appeal against an enforcement notice.