
What qualification is an access course equivalent to?

What qualification is an access course equivalent to?

Level 3 qualification
Technically speaking, Access to HE Diploma courses are equivalent is a Level 3 qualification. This means that the work you do is generally about A-Level standard. Access to HE Diploma courses are equivalent is a Level 3 qualification.

Is an access course equivalent to 3 A levels?

Access to HE Diplomas are Level 3 qualifications like an A Level and a Welsh Baccalaureate, so should carry the same weight in university applications. They offer an excellent foundation in the skills and knowledge you’ll need if you’re looking to apply to university.

Is access course equivalent to GCSE?

Although HEIs make their own decisions about what constitutes ‘a standard equivalent to’ GCSE, the Training and Development Agency for Schools states that Access to HE courses can provide evidence of achievement at a level which is equivalent to GCSE in the required subjects2.

Is an access course level 3 or 4?

Access courses combine subject specialisms at Level 3 with study skills and are designed to prepare you for university-level study.

Is an access course a qualification?

The Access to Higher Education Diploma is a qualification which prepares people without traditional qualifications for study at university. Access to HE courses are delivered by colleges in England and Wales, and are available in a range of different subjects, such as nursing, social studies, law, and art and design.

How many A levels is a access course?

3 A-Levels
The Access to Higher Education Diploma is a one-year intensive qualification for students aged 19+, preparing you for degree-level study at university. The diploma is equivalent to 3 A-Levels and we offer courses in: Business, Finance & Accounting.

How long is an access course valid for?

This is because Access to HE qualifications can be used up to 5 years after they are achieved. UCAS also provides a Tariff Points Calculator to help you work out how many points you can get from different qualifications at different grades.

How many hours a week is an access course?

Boost your confidence with an Access module They’re usually 30 weeks long, and most students study for about nine hours a week. If a fast track option is available, you can complete your Access module in just 18 weeks by increasing your study time.

Can you do an Access to HE course online?

We also offer Access to HE Online courses which offers a convenient way to study remotely and at your own pace. You will need to be dedicated and hardworking as the course is intensive, but it gives you the rewarding opportunity to reach your goals.

Can I do an access course without A Levels?

You could take an Access to HE course Access to HE courses are designed for adults aged 19 and over without the necessary qualifications for entry to higher education. The course results in an Access to HE Diploma, a Level 3 qualification (the same level as A levels and Scottish Highers).