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What is trait communication apprehension?

What is trait communication apprehension?

Trait anxiety refers to apprehension rooted in personality characteristics, meaning that a person is generally anxious engaging in most communication scenarios.

What are the 4 types of communication apprehension?

McCroskey argues there are four types of communication apprehension: anxiety related to trait, context, audience, and situation. If you understand these different types of apprehension, you can gain insight into the varied communication factors that contribute to speaking anxiety.

What is CA in communication?

Classifying Communication Apprehension (CA)

What is trait like apprehension?

The results support the conceptualization of communication apprehension as a trait-like personality characteristic which predisposes certain individuals to higher levels of anxiety in oral communication situations. /COMMUNICATION apprehension (CA) is one of the most widely studied V^constructs in communication.

What are signs of communication apprehension?

Physiological Symptoms of Communication Apprehension We might notice our heart pounding or our hands feeling clammy. We may break out in a sweat. We may have “stomach butterflies” or even feel nauseated. Our hands and legs might start to shake, or we may begin to pace nervously.

What are some examples of communication apprehension?

There are a number of physical sensations associated with communication apprehension. We might notice our heart pounding or our hands feeling clammy. We may break out in a sweat. We may have “stomach butterflies” or even feel nauseated.

What are the three causes of communication apprehension?

What Causes Communication Apprehension?

  • Fear of Failure. Speakers with a fear of failure often imagine themselves forgetting a part of their speech or performing poorly.
  • Audience.
  • High Stakes.
  • Uncertainty.
  • Being the Center of Attention.

What are sources of communication apprehension?

What are examples of communication apprehension?

What are the two types of communication apprehension?


  • Trait anxiety.
  • Context anxiety.
  • Audience anxiety.
  • Situation anxiety.

What’s the difference between trait and state communication apprehension?

The fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons. Distinguish the difference between trait and state communication apprehension. State- (aka: situational C/A) – communication apprehension experienced only around certain people and/or in certain contexts.

What’s the difference between a trait and a state?

Distinguish the difference between trait and state communication apprehension. Definition. Trait- apprehension about communicating in all situations (it is your trait) State- (aka: situational C/A) – communication apprehension experienced only around certain people and/or in certain contexts.

Which is the best description of the trait apprehension?

Trait- apprehension about communicating in all situations (it is your trait) State- (aka: situational C/A) – communication apprehension experienced only around certain people and/or in certain contexts.

What’s the difference between state anxiety and trait anxiety?

Anxiety is a state of inner unrest or uneasiness often described as “nervousness.” Worry, jitteriness, sweating, an increased heart rate, rapid breathing and other feelings and symptoms commonly accompany anxiety.