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What is the meaning of Baroque style?

What is the meaning of Baroque style?

The Baroque style is characterized by exaggerated motion and clear detail used to produce drama, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture , painting, architecture, literature, dance, and music. The later Baroque style was termed Rococo , a style characterized by increasingly decorative and elaborate works.

What does the Baroque style include?

The Baroque style used contrast, movement, exuberant detail, deep colour, grandeur, and surprise to achieve a sense of awe. The style began at the start of the 17th century in Rome, then spread rapidly to France, northern Italy, Spain, and Portugal, then to Austria, southern Germany, and Russia.

How baroque wore their hairs?

Women wore their hair in tight curls at the forehead and on both sides of the head, called “heartbreakers,” during the first half of the period. However, hairstyles progressively became higher (fontage hairstyles). Lips and cheeks were often rouged, something previously only done by courtesans.

How would you describe Baroque art to someone?

The baroque art is best described with the word drama. The Baroque style is characterized by exaggerated motion and clear detail used to produce drama, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture , painting, architecture, literature, dance, and music.

How is Baroque art different?

The difference between Baroque Art And Renaissance is that Baroque art is generally characterized by ornate details whereas Renaissance art is characterized by the fusion of Christianity and science which creates realism through art.

When did the Baroque style flourish?

Baroque architecture flourished between the late 16th and mid-18th century. The architectural style which emerged in Italy soon spread to the rest of Europe and by the 17th century, Spanish Baroque style (also referred to as Churrigueresque) reached Latin America.

What was life like during the Baroque period?

Life during the Baroque period was based on one’s class. At the top were the nobility, living lavishly. Below them were the gentry. Gentlemen were not quite rich but they were certainly well off.

What is Baroque clothing?

Baroque fashion was flamboyant, with large, ruffled collars and oversized, balloon sleeves. Clothing was made of rich fabrics, such as velvet, silk, and brocade. Vivid colors, ribbons, and beaded embroidery were typical of baroque fashion.

What is a baroque dress?

Baroque costumes are striking because of their voluminous splendor: richly embellished with feathers, trim, brocade and damask, the Baroque style is the epitome of overloaded splendor. Noble ladies in wide skirts, dashing officers in dress uniform rub elbows with the well dressed pirates and highway men of the Baroque.