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What is the difference between TextBox and RichTextBox controls?

What is the difference between TextBox and RichTextBox controls?

A TextBox requires less system resources then a RichTextBox and it is ideal when only plain text needs to be edited (i.e. usage in forms). A RichTextBox mainly used if you want more control over styling the text color, type, font, alignment ect. A Textbox is basically used to display or get one line input.

When should we use RichTextBox?

A RichTextBox is a better choice when it is necessary for the user to edit formatted text, images, tables, or other rich content. For example, editing a document, article, or blog that requires formatting, images, etc is best accomplished using a RichTextBox.

Which property of rich text box sets Gets a value specifying if automatic word selection is enabled?

Rtf property is used to get and set rich text format (RTF) text in a RichTextBox control. SelectedRtf property is used to get and set selected text in a control.

How do you use rich text boxes?

Examples. The following code example creates a RichTextBox control that loads an RTF file into the control and searches for the first instance of the word “Text.” The code then changes the font style, font size, and font color of the selected text and saves the changes back to the original file.

What is difference between label and textbox?

Hi. In terms of Visual Studio Windows Form Applications, A Label is a control which is used to display some text onto the form whereas, A TextBox control is used to input data from the user.

What is textbox in VB net?

A TextBox control is used to display, accept the text from the user as an input, or a single line of text on a VB.NET Windows form at runtime. Furthermore, we can add multiple text and scroll bars in textbox control. However, we can set the text on the textbox that displays on the form.

Why do we use RichTextBox in C#?

In C#, RichTextBox control is a textbox which gives you rich text editing controls and advanced formatting features also includes a loading rich text format (RTF) files. The RichTextBox class is used to represent the windows rich text box and also provide different types of properties, methods, and events.

What is Rich Text Box in C#?

In C#, RichTextBox control is a textbox which gives you rich text editing controls and advanced formatting features also includes a loading rich text format (RTF) files. Or in other words, RichTextBox controls allows you to display or edit flow content, including paragraphs, images, tables, etc.

What is Rich Text Box control?

The Windows Forms RichTextBox control is used for displaying, entering, and manipulating text with formatting. The RichTextBox control is typically used to provide text manipulation and display features similar to word processing applications such as Microsoft Word.

When should you use a text box or Label?

  1. Labels are for text to be displayed (info for the user), TextBox are when you need to get input from your user or you need an edit operation or allow a copy (Ctrl+C) of the text even when you don’t want any editing.
  2. @Steve Thank you, I will use labels.

What is the difference between a Label a text field and a text area?

Label is a wrapper that introduces the functionality provided by the Flash framework and provides read-only text component. TextArea is a wrapper that introduces the functionality provided by the Flash framework and provides a read-write text component.