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What is the difference between metallurgy and metallography?

What is the difference between metallurgy and metallography?

A metallurgist specializes in metals, whereas a materials scientist works with all materials, including metals, but also ceramics and polymers. More than 300,000 different materials are used to make products every day, and a materials scientist is an expert in determining which materials work best for which purposes.

What is difference between metallurgical and biological microscope?

A simple answer is that a metallurgical microscope is another type of light microscopes and unlike a biological microscope it uses a reflected white light. Obviously the nature of samples is different for such a use, i.e. a metal, semiconductor or plastic rather than a biology slide, cell, living microorganism etc.

What is metallurgy microscope?

Metallurgical microscopes are specially-designed microscopes that are used for metallurgical evaluation, including the assessment of metals, ceramics and other materials. Specialty uses of these devices include measuring thin films and electroplating coatings.

What is Metallography in metallurgy?

Metallography is the study of the microstructure of all types of metallic alloys. It can be more precisely defined as the scientific discipline of observing and determining the chemical and atomic structure and spatial distribution of the grains, constituents, inclusions or phases in metallic alloys.

Why do we use metallography?

Metallography helps companies decide which materials are stable enough to build bridges or construct cars and motorcycles with. Metallography can ensure that the right metal is being used for crucial things like cars, planes, and electronics. It is also crucial in aiding the development of new materials.

What are the application of metallurgy in criminal investigation?

Introduction to Crime Metallurgical Investigations. Metallurgical examinations make it possible to identify the source of an item-whether made of metal, plastic, ceramic, or other material-found at a crime sc…

What are the advantages of metallurgical microscope?

One of the biggest advantages of this microscope is that it allows for much larger samples that cannot be viewed using the upright microscope. This makes them ideal in a number of fields involved in engineering and manufacturing where the microscope serves to investigate cracks or corrosion of fractures.

What is the function of metallurgical microscope?

What is a metallurgical microscope? A specialized microscope designed for looking at cross-sections of metal targets (metallurgical mounts). Typically inverted, these microscopes employ high-resolution objective lenses with very short working distances.

What are the 3 lenses on a microscope?

Types of Lenses

  • Objective lens. The objective lens consists of several lenses to magnify an object and project a larger image.
  • Ocular lens (eyepiece) A lens to be mounted on the observer side.
  • Condenser lens. A lens to be mounted under the stage.
  • About magnification.

What is Optical metallography?

Optical metallography, one of three gen- eral categories of metallography, entails ex- amination of materials using visible light to provide a magnified image of the micro- and macrostructure.

When was metallography invented?

From its humble beginnings in 1949, the AEC Metallography Group grew and, in 1954, the AEC directed it to organize in a more formal way with officers, directors, and committees. The basic organizational structure that developed is essentially identical to the present IMS structure.

What is the importance of metallurgy?

Metallurgy concerning extraction of metal from ore or metal compounds is very important industry that supplies metallatic material with special properties for applications in many fields.

What do you need to know about metallurgical microscopes?

Metallurgical Microscopes Information. Metallurgical microscopes are used for metallurgical inspection, including metals, ceramics, and other materials. A microscope is an instrument capable of producing a magnified image of a small object. The most common configurations of metallurgical microscopes are student, benchtop, and research.

What’s the difference between metallography and metallurgical analysis?

These services are also called Metallography Evaluation, Metallographic Examination and Metallurgical Analysis. As metals are subjected to melting, cooling and working processes, the grains and crystalline structure change.

How is metallurgy related to science and Technology?

Metallurgy is also the technology of metals: the way in which science is applied to the production of metals, and the engineering of metal components through thermal and forming processes, so they can be used to meet the physical needs in developing products for consumers and manufacturers.

How are microstructures and macroscopic properties related in metallography?

Some of the earliest correlations between microstructure and macroscopic properties established in metallography using light microscopes include: A general increase in yield strength and hardness with decreasing grain size. Anisotropic mechanical properties with elongated grains and/or preferred grain orientations.