
What is the definition of pleasanter?

What is the definition of pleasanter?

Giving or affording pleasure or enjoyment; agreeable: a pleasant scene; pleasant sensations. 2. Pleasing in manner, behavior, or appearance. 3. Fair and comfortable: pleasant weather.

What is the comparative of pleasant?

Example: Pleasant — more pleasant — most pleasant. For two syllable adjectives, if the word ends with ‘y’, then it should be changed as ‘i’ and then ‘er’ is added for comparative form and ‘est’ is added in the superlative form.

What is the comparative and superlative of pleasant?

(comparative pleasanter, superlative pleasantest) more pleasant and most pleasant are more common.

Is pleasantest a real word?

Superlative form of pleasant: most pleasant The most pleasant.

What is the full meaning of pleasantries?

1 : a humorous act or remark : jest. 2 : an agreeable playfulness in conversation : banter. 3 : a polite social remark exchanged pleasantries.

What is the meaning of pleasanter spot?

comparative form of pleasant: more pleasant. Pleasenter spot is like a more pleasant spot or place.

What is the rule for superlatives?

Short adjectives
RULE: add “-est” old → the oldest
Variation: if the adjective ends in -e, just add -st late → the latest
Variation: if the adjective ends in consonant, vowel, consonant, double the last consonant big → the biggest
Variation: if the adjective ends in -y, change the y to i happy → the happiest

What is the comparative adjective of good?

Irregular comparatives and superlatives

Adjective Comparative Superlative
good better best
bad worse worst
little less least
much more most

What is the pleasantest thing a child can do?

The pleasantest thing a child can do is going up in the air by swinging. Explanation: In the poem named ‘Swing’, the poet has beautifully described how a child enjoys a ride in a swing. It is the most pleasant and joyful thing a child does by swinging up in the air so high.

Is thank you a pleasantry?

This pleasantry, short for “I thank you” but still considered formal, is often replaced by “Thanks,” which derives from a different comment, “I give you thanks.” The colloquial “Thanks a lot” is often uttered sarcastically, so it should be avoided in writing; the same is true of “Thanks a million.” An even more casual …