
What is the affirmative Tu command for hablar?

What is the affirmative Tu command for hablar?

Affirmative Tú Form Commands

infinitive: affirmative tú command: affirmative usted command:
hablar habla hable
correr corre corra
repetir repite repita

What is the command form of esperar?

Mode: Imperative

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Tu esperes
El/Ella espere
Nosotros esperemos

What is the negative command of Habla?

The negative tú command of hablar is no hables (pronounced: noh AH-blehs).

What is the affirmative tú command for salir?

The affirmative tú command of salir (which means ‘to go out’ or ‘to leave’) is sal (pronounced: sahl).

What are the 4 You commands?

There are four forms of the imperative: tú, usted, nosotros, and ustedes.

What kind of verb is esperar?

Esperar is a Spanish regular ar verb meaning to wait, to hope. Esperar appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Verbs Poster as the 6th most used regular ar verb. For the preterite tense conjugation, go to Esperar Preterite Tense Conjugation.

Is Jugaba imperfect or preterite?

The imperfect root of Jugar is jugaba. The imperfect tense is rarely irregular and can be easily conjugated from this form, which is the yo, and él/ella conjugation.

What is the TU command for comer?

no comas
ER: comer

Affirmative Command Negative Command
come no comas
él/ella/ud. coma no coma
nosotros comamos no comamos

Is esperar imperfect or preterite?

Esperar is a Spanish verb meaning to wait, to hope. Esperar is conjugated as a regular ar verb in the preterite tense. Esperar appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster as the 9th most used regular ar verb.

How are affirmative informal commands ( Tu ) formed?

The affirmative informal (tú) commands are formed the same way as the present indicative Ud. form: Be sure to note that the “tú” commands use the usted form, not the tú form! The following examples of commands use three regular verbs: hablar, comer, and escribir.

When to use the subjunctive mood in vosotros?

The subjunctive mood is used to express the affirmative and negative commands of the Ud ., Uds ., and nosotros forms, and only the negative commands of the tú and vosotros forms. The affirmative tú commands are not based on the subjunctive.

Is the TU command for Ser the same as Saber?

Because the tú command for ser is the same as the present tense yo form of the verb saber, you must consider the context of the sentence in order to determine which of the two is intended. In the following examples, notice how using a subject pronoun clarifies these identical forms with completely different meanings.