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What is secretion in biology class 10?

What is secretion in biology class 10?

Secretion, in biology, production and release of a useful substance by a gland or cell; also, the substance produced. In addition to the enzymes and hormones that facilitate and regulate complex biochemical processes, body tissues also secrete a variety of substances that provide lubrication and moisture.

What is meant by excretion?

Excretion, the process by which animals rid themselves of waste products and of the nitrogenous by-products of metabolism. Excretion is a general term referring to the separation and throwing off of waste materials or toxic substances from the cells and tissues of a plant or animal.

What are excretion and secretion examples of?

Difference between Excretion and Secretion:

The excretory materials are tears, sweat, urine, co2,etc. The secretory materials are hormones, saliva, enzymes, etc.
The plants excrete substances through roots, leaves and bark. The plants secrete substances like latex, gums, resins, etc.

What is secretion example?

A secretion is a substance made and released by a living thing, like when your skin sweats. For example, the secretions of some frogs are a type of poison. Some secretions stay within an animal, like the bile secreted by our livers. Saliva is another secretion.

What is respiration class 10th?

What is respiration? RESPIRATION is the biochemical process in living organisms involving the production of energy. This is typically done with intake of oxygen and this results in the release of carbon dioxide, water, and ATP (the currency of energy in cells).

What is difference between secretion and excrete?

Both these processes involve the movement of materials in the body. But the difference between excretion and secretion is that excretion is the removal of waste from the body, whereas secretion involves the movement of materials within the body.

What are the 4 steps of excretion?

Describe the four key steps in the process of excretion and urine production (filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion) in the human kidney. (Figure 44.10). – Reabsorption.

What are the types of excretion?

Modes of Excretion

  • Ammonotelism (Type of excretion- ammonia)
  • Ureotelism (Type of excretion – urea)
  • Uricotelism (Type of excretion – uric acid)
  • Aminotelism (Type of excretion – amino acids)
  • Guanotelism (Type of excretion – guanine)

What is difference between secretion and ejection?

As nouns the difference between secretion and ejection is that secretion is (label) any substance that is secreted by an organism or secretion can be the act of hiding something while ejection is the act of ejecting.

What are examples of excretion?

The matter, such as urine or sweat, that is so excreted. Excretion is defined as the process of expelling waste matter, or the waste matter expelled by this process. When a person goes to the bathroom to urinate, this is an example of excretion. Urine is an example of excretion.

What is the secretion process?

Secretion is an energy-consuming process such that increased blood flow, supplying oxygen to the tissue, is required during active secretion and factors that diminish pancreatic blood flow reduce pancreatic secretion. From: Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology, 2004.

What are the 3 types of secretion?

There are three different ways in which exocrine glands secrete their products. These modes of secretion are called merocrine, apocrine, and holocrine.

What is the difference between excretion and secretion?

The main difference between secretion and excretion is that secretion is the movement of materials from one part of the body to the other part of the body whereas excretion is the removal of waste material, which has no further use for living organisms. Secretion is an active process and excretion is a passive process.

What is “excrete” and “secrete”?

To summarize, the word ‘excrete’ means to remove waste from the body. ‘Secrete’ means for a body part to release something into the body, such as waste, nutrition, or hormones. Both words tend to be technical and fairly formal, and they are most often used in biology.

What is cell secretion?

n. pl. A process of cellular secretion or excretion in which substances contained in vesicles are discharged from the cell by fusion of the vesicular membrane with the outer cell membrane.