
What is post reflection?

What is post reflection?

The post-lesson reflection is an opportunity for students to pause and assess what they think they have learned in a lesson or series of lessons. It allows them to identify aspects of the lesson that they struggled with or found unclear.

What is reflection in simple words for kids?

Reflection occurs when a light ray hits a surface and bounces off. The angle at which the ray hits the surface is equal to the angle at which it bounces off. If the surface is made very flat and smooth by polishing, all the light rays bounce off in the same direction.

What is reflection in simple words?

noun. the act of reflecting, as in casting back a light or heat, mirroring, or giving back or showing an image; the state of being reflected in this way. an image; representation; counterpart. a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration.

What is reflection and example?

The definition of a reflection is a thought or writing about something, particular in the past, or what one sees when looking into a mirror or body of water. An example of reflection is what a girl sees in the mirror when she puts on her makeup.

How do you use upon reflection?

Upon reflection, it seemed to me that those problems were quite serious. Upon reflection, this was a very wise move. Upon reflection, I probably should have known better. Enjoyment of the experience will probably come later upon reflection, he said.

How do we see a reflection?

When photons — rays of light — coming from an object (your smiling face, for example) strike the smooth surface of a mirror, they bounce back at the same angle. Your eyes see these reflected photons as a mirror image.

How do you describe a reflection?

A reflection is like placing a mirror on the page. When describing a reflection, you need to state the line which the shape has been reflected in. The distance of each point of a shape from the line of reflection will be the same as the distance of the reflected point from the line.

What’s an example of a reflection?

An example of reflection is what a girl sees in the mirror when she puts on her makeup. Something, such as light, radiant heat, sound, or an image, that is reflected. Careful thought or consideration. Her achievements are a reflection of her courage.

What is reflection with example?

Reflection is the change in direction of a wavefront at an interface between two different media so that the wavefront returns into the medium from which it originated. Common examples include the reflection of light, sound and water waves. Mirrors exhibit specular reflection.

What is the purpose of post lesson reflection?

The post-lesson reflection is an opportunity for students to pause and assess what they think they have learned in a lesson or series of lessons. It allows them to identify aspects of the lesson that they struggled with or found unclear.

What is reflection kids?

Kids Definition of reflection. 1 : the return of light or sound waves from a surface. 2 : an image produced by or as if by a mirror. 3 : something that brings blame or disgrace It’s a reflection on my honesty.

Which is the best definition of the term reflection?

“Reflection is the instrument by which experiences are translated into dynamic knowledge” – Korthagen, F. (2001) “Reflection is a meaning-making process that moves a learner from one’s experience into the next with deeper understanding of its relationships with and connections to other experiences and ideas…

Why does the image you see in a mirror reflect?

The reason is that the image you see in a mirror is a reflection, which is energy in the form of light bounced back from a surface. Many kinds of energy can reflect, including sound, heat, and earthquake waves. In this lesson, we will focus on light reflection.