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What is osmophore?

What is osmophore?

: a group (as an aldehyde group) to whose presence in a molecule the odor of a compound is attributed.

What is the function of osmophores?

Like nectar, floral scents are produced by specialized structures commonly referred to as scent glands or osmophores, which are located mainly on petals and other floral organs, such as sepals or stamens, or other specialized reproductive structures (Vogel 1990; Sazima et al.

What is secreted by osmophores?

The secretion (scent) produced by osmophores is mainly composed of lipids, which are directly related to plastids and ER, since these organelles are responsible for the production of many types of lipids in the cell [149]. The energy reserve for the secretory process may be found in the form of starch grains (Fig.

How do flowers smell?

A flower’s scent is created within the petals where essential oils are stored. When there is warm weather, the oils combine and evaporate, producing a unique scent for every flower to attract pollinators. The most common oil scent given off by flowers is methylbenzoate.

What is Hydathodes in biology?

A pore that exudes water on the surface or margin of a leaf of higher plants. A type of gland found in plant leaves that is responsible for the secretion of water into the external environment.

What is the function of plasmodesmata in plant cells?

Plasmodesmata (PD) are membrane-lined channels that transverse the plant cell wall and function as conduits to allow the exchange of various cellular molecules between plant cells1.

What is Rhytidome in plants?

dead phloem, is known as rhytidome. The dead cork cells are lined with suberin, a fatty substance that makes them highly impermeable to gases and water. Gas exchange between the inner tissues of bark-covered roots and stems and their surroundings takes place through spongy areas (lenticels) in the cork.

Why do flowers smell nice to humans?

Flowers produce fragrances to help attract pollinators. Some flowers rely on one particular type of insect for pollination, so their scent is very specifically aimed at attracting that insect. Not all flowers emit a sweet-smelling odor to please people and pollinators alike. Some flowers smell downright awful.

Which is the biggest flower in the world?

Rafflesia arnoldii
The flower with the world’s largest bloom is the Rafflesia arnoldii. This rare flower is found in the rainforests of Indonesia. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds! It is a parasitic plant, with no visible leaves, roots, or stem.

Which plant is having hydathodes?

Hydathodes are commonly seen in water lettuce, water hyacinth, rose, balsam, and many other species. Hydathodes are made of a group of living cells with numerous intercellular spaces filled with water, but few or no chloroplasts, and represent modified bundle-ends.

Which is an anti Transpirant?

: a substance (such as pine oil) that is usually sprayed on plant surfaces (as of the leaves and stems) to reduce transpiration and inhibit water loss. — called also antidesiccant.

Do all plant cells have plasmodesmata?

Plasmodesmata link almost every cell within a plant, which can cause negative effects such as the spread of viruses. In order to understand this we must first look at cytoskeletal components, such as actin microfilaments, microtubules, and myosin proteins, and how they are related to cell to cell transport.