
What is multiple nabothian cysts in cervix?

What is multiple nabothian cysts in cervix?

Nabothian cysts are benign bumps on the cervix. The cysts are full of clear, light yellow, or amber mucus. People may have more than one nabothian cyst. Females may develop nabothian cysts after giving birth or after menopause. The cysts are normal and usually cause no symptoms.

Can nabothian cysts turn into cancer?

What are Nabothian Cysts? Nabothian cysts are benign (non-cancerous) mucus-filled growths that develop on the surface of the cervix. This benign condition is not life-threatening or cancerous. They are also known as cervical cysts, cervical polyps, epithelial cysts, or mucinous retention cysts.

Can cervical cancer be mistaken for nabothian cysts?

The tumor appears benign and can be misdiagnosed as multiple nabothian cysts. This rare variant of adenocarcinoma of the cervix accounts for about 1%–3% of all cervical adenocarcinomas.

Can you have multiple cervical cysts?

Nabothian cysts (also called mucinous retention cysts or epithelial cysts) are common and benign and are considered a normal feature of the adult cervix (Figure 1, C). Many women have multiple cysts. They may be translucent or opaque, whitish to yellow, and range from a few millimeters to 3 to 4 cm in diameter.

Is nabothian cyst painful?

Symptoms of nabothian cysts These cysts don’t cause pain, discomfort, or other symptoms, so it’s likely that your doctor will discover any cysts while examining your cervix for other problems. Talk to your doctor if you have bleeding between your periods, unusual discharge, or pelvic pain.

Can a nabothian cyst cause infertility?

Would it be a case of infertility by obstruction of the cervix? A case was reported in the literature of a spontaneous pregnancy after obstructive nabothian cyst treatment [8] . Cervicitis may contribute to infertility by fibrosis and cervical stenosis [9] .

Can a Nabothian cyst cause pain?

Can nabothian cysts be misdiagnosed?

Although Nabothian cysts are generally small and asymptomatic, giant Nabothian cysts are extremely rare and may be misdiagnosed as other uterine tumors, or even malignancy.

What happens if you have a cyst on your cervix?

In general, cervical cysts don’t cause symptoms and require no treatment. Your doctor might collect a tissue sample (biopsy) to send for lab testing if a cervical cyst or other lesion looks unusual. Other concerns include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or pain during sex.

Can a nabothian cyst cause pain?

Why do you get nabothian cysts?

In most cases, nabothian cysts occur when new tissue regrows on the cervix after childbirth. This new tissue blocks the openings of the cervix’s nabothian glands, trapping their mucous secretion in tiny pockets under the skin. Nabothian cysts are a normal finding on the cervix of women who have had children.

What is the treatment of nabothian cyst?

Nabothian cysts that need treatment can be removed through an excision or through a process called “electrocautery ablation.” During an excision, your doctor uses a scalpel or blade to remove the growth. During electrocautery ablation, your doctor uses an electric current to remove the cyst.

What are Nabothian cysts and how is it treated?

Nabothian cysts usually require no treatment and frequently resolve on their own. Cryotherapy has been used to treat nabothian cysts but is rarely necessary. Very rarely a cyst may be so large that it prevents a clinician from performing a pap smear, in which case the clinician may puncture the cyst with a needle and drain it.

Can nabothian cyst turn cancerous?

A nabothian cyst is another name for a cervical cyst. Since it forms on the cervix, this condition only occurs in women. Cervical cysts are rarely cancerous and often do not require any treatment.

Can Nabothian cysts cause pain?

Nabothian cyst does not cause any pain unless the cyst becomes enlarged in size and blocks the mouth of the cervix. In certain cases, when the cervical cyst appear unusual or if there is pain, or if there is excessive bleeding, the doctor may perform coloposcopy.

What are symptoms of cervical cyst?

A healthcare professional may call for tests for a cervical cyst, but most require no treatment. Pelvic pain and cramping are common symptoms of cervical cysts. Extremely heavy periods and bleeding between periods can be a sign of an overgrown cervical cyst.