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What is MOS 15W?

What is MOS 15W?

Army Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Operators (MOS 15W) work as remote pilots of unmanned observation aircraft, otherwise known as drones. Army UAV Operators (MOS 15W) are an important part of the U.S. Armed Forces, as they collect information regarding enemy forces and battle areas.

Where is AIT for MOS 15W?

Fort Huachuca
Today, 15W training falls under the 2-13th Aviation Regiment, a tenant unit on Fort Huachuca. The brigade’s headquarters and command staff is located at Fort Rucker, Ala.

What do 15W fly?

A 15W is tasked with operating aircraft such as the RQ-7 Shadow or MQ-1C Gray Eagle, two of the Army National Guard’s more elusive, yet powerful, assets. UAS operators remotely pilot unmanned observation aircraft, also referred to as drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

Where is 15t stationed?

Duty Stations

  • Benning, GA.
  • Bliss, TX.
  • Bragg, NC.
  • Campbell, KY.
  • Drum, NY.
  • Hood, TX.
  • Hunter, CA.
  • Irwin, CA.

What Asvab score do you need for 15W?

Army Line Scores:

15W Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Operator SC:102
15Y AH-64D Armament / Electrical / Avionics Repairer MM:105 & EL:100
17C Cyber Operations Specialist GT:110 & ST112
18X Special Forces Recruit GT:110 & SC:100

What is MOS 21B?

21B Duty Description: Skill Level 1 MOSC 21B1O. Performs basic combat construction. Operates various light or heavy engineer wheeled vehicles. Operates or serves as crewmember on a CEV, AVLB, or an ACE while participating in combat mobility, countermobility, and survivability operations.

How long is 15w AIT?

Job training for an unmanned aircraft systems operator requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and over 32 weeks of Advanced Individual Training with on-the-job instruction. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field.

How long is 15W AIT?

How long is 15T training?

Job training for a UH-60 helicopter repairer requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 14 weeks of Advanced Individual Training with on-the-job instruction. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field.