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What is metabolic rate GCSE biology?

What is metabolic rate GCSE biology?

The metabolic rate of an organism is the amount of energy expended by that organism within a given period of time. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the metabolic rate of an organism when at rest. The BMR is significantly lower than when an organism is actively moving.

How do you calculate metabolic rate biology?

Calculating Mass-specific Metabolic Rates. — To get another comparison of smaller versus larger animals, divide the mean rate ( mL min-1) of each animal by its initial body mass in mg (mL min-1mg-1), and then multiply by 60 min hr-1 to get all rates in units of mL O2mg-1hr-1.

What reactions does metabolism include GCSE?

The two types of metabolic reaction are:

  • Anabolic (building reactions)
  • Catabolic (breaking down reactions)

What does metabolism mean BBC Bitesize?

Metabolism is the term used for all the chemical reactions that happen inside an organism’s body. These reactions build up molecules, and break them down.

Who has the highest metabolic rate?

Hummingbirds, with their tiny bodies and high levels of activity, have the highest metabolic rates of any animals — roughly a dozen times that of a pigeon and a hundred times that of an elephant. To maintain those rates, hummers have to consume about their weight in nectar daily.

How does size affect metabolic rate?

As a general rule, the greater the mass of an organism the higher that organism’s metabolic rate is. Organisms with high metabolic rates require more efficient delivery of oxygen to cells. However, BMR is higher per unit of body mass in small animals compared to larger ones.

What is the relationship between body size and metabolic rate?

Among endotherms (animals that use body heat to maintain a constant internal temperature), the smaller the organism’s mass, the higher its basal metabolic rate is likely to be. The relationship between mass and metabolic rate holds true across many species, and even follows a specific mathematical equation.

What are the three types of metabolic reactions?

Catabolic Reactions. Catabolic reactions break down large organic molecules into smaller molecules, releasing the energy contained in the chemical bonds.

  • Anabolic Reactions.
  • Hormonal Regulation of Metabolism.
  • Oxidation-Reduction Reactions.
  • Chapter Review.
  • Self Check.
  • Glossary.
  • What are the five metabolic processes?

    30.1.2. Major Metabolic Pathways and Control Sites

    • Glycolysis.
    • Citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.
    • Pentose phosphate pathway.
    • Gluconeogenesis.
    • Glycogen synthesis and degradation.

    What is BMR of human body?

    Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the rate of energy expenditure per unit time by endothermic animals at rest. Metabolism comprises the processes that the body needs to function. Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy per unit of time that a person needs to keep the body functioning at rest.

    Who has a higher metabolic rate male or female?

    Men tend to have a higher metabolism than women, but genes, body size, and age all play a role in how the body gains fat and loses muscle.

    How does the metabolic rate of an organism vary?

    Metabolic rates can vary depending on physiological states. The circulatory system and respiratory system play a crucial role in ensuring efficient delivery of oxygen to cells around the body. An organism’s metabolic rate is the amount of energy expended by that organism in a given time period – usually daily.

    How is the energy transferred by respiration used in metabolism?

    The energy transferred by respiration in cells is used by the organism for the continual enzyme controlled processes of metabolism that synthesise new molecules. Enzymes control all of the reactions occurring in cells; often the products of one reaction are the reactants for another (and so on)

    How is the metabolic rate of carbon dioxide measured?

    The metabolic rate can be measured in different ways: 1 Oxygen consumption 2 Carbon dioxide production 3 Heat production

    How does the circulatory system affect the metabolic rate?

    Metabolic rates can vary depending on physiological states. The circulatory system and respiratory system play a crucial role in ensuring efficient delivery of oxygen to cells around the body.