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What is a Zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture?

What is a Zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture?

A zygomatic complex fracture is a fracture that involves the zygoma and its surrounding bones. The typical lines of a zygomatic complex fracture are: A fracture emanating from the inferior orbital fissure superiorly along the sphenozygomatic suture to the frontozygomatic suture where it crosses the lateral orbital rim.

Do ZMC fractures require surgery?

The most common indication for surgery in ZMC fractures is displacement and rotation, and most displaced ZMC fractures should be treated surgically. If reduction is not performed properly, facial asymmetry will be prominent, as the result of lowering the malar prominent point [2].

What is ORIF mandible?

Abstract. Purpose: Owing to its putative advantages over conventional maxillomandibular fixation (MMF), open-reduction and rigid internal fixation (ORIF) is used frequently to treat mandible fractures, particularly in noncompliant patients.

What are the symptoms of zygomatic fracture?

Broken cheekbone/upper jaw (zygomatic maxillary fracture)

  • Flatness of the cheek.
  • Altered sensation underneath the eye on the affected side.
  • Problems with eyesight.
  • Pain with jaw movement.

How long does a zygomatic fracture take to heal?

Cheekbone fractures rarely get infected, so you will not usually need antibiotics. Swelling and bruising can be reduced by using cold packs and sleeping propped up for the first few days. Even if you have plates and screws to hold your cheekbone in place, it still takes about six weeks for the bone to heal completely.

What happens if you break your zygomatic bone?

Zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture can affect mastication through impingement by a depressed zygomatic arch on the temporalis muscle and coronoid process of the mandible; this can result in trismus and pain with mastication.

How do you manage a zygomatic fracture?

Surgical intervention is an effective treatment modality of depressed zygomatic complex fractures, whereas a nonsurgical approach is often used for nondisplaced fractures. Most zygomatic complex fractures can be treated solely by an intraoral approach and rigid fixation at the zygomaticomaxillary buttress.

Is Orif major surgery?

Generally, ORIF is an urgent surgery. Your doctor might recommend ORIF if your bone: breaks in multiple places.

Can a broken jaw heal without being wired?

Simple, closed, stable fractures can sometimes be very successfully treated without surgery or wiring the jaws shut. Patients must be extremely compliant with instructions for this to be successful.

How are fractures of the zygomaticomaxillary complex treated?

The zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) has important aesthetic, structural, and functional roles that need to be preserved and/or restored during treatment of facial fractures. Surgical treatment of ZMC fractures is indicated when there is displacement of the bony fragments, and open reduction and in …

When is a zygomatic fracture requires orbital floor reconstruction?

In a zygomatic fracture that requires orbital floor reconstruction, after exposing the zygoma and orbital floor, the zygoma should be disimpacted prior to dissecting herniated orbital soft tissues from the maxillary sinus. In a fracture of this nature, the reduction and fixation of the zygoma should be performed first.

Can a fracture of the zygomatic arch cause cosmetic morbidity?

Fractures of the zygomatic arch (ZA) or any of its bony articulations can cause significant functional and cosmetic morbidity. The management of the zygomatic arch and ZMC fractures should be patient-specific but range from simple observation to open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF). Anatomy

Which is the best plate for zygomaticomaxillary buttress?

A larger plate (commonly an L-shaped plate) is recommended for the zygomaticomaxillary buttress. When the lateral wall is comminuted, the lateral wall is not so reliable as a landmark in determining the proper reduction of the zygoma. In this situation the surgeon has to place higher emphasis in the reduction of other sites.