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What is a representative democracy short definition?

What is a representative democracy short definition?

Representative democracy, also known as indirect democracy, is a type of democracy founded on the principle of elected persons representing a group of people, in contrast to direct democracy. Representative democracy places power in the hands of representatives who are elected by the people.

What is procedural democracy in simple words?

Procedural democracy or proceduralist democracy or proceduralism is a term used to denote the particular procedures, such as regular elections based on universal suffrage, that produce an electorally-legitimated government.

What does it mean to practice democracy?

Democracy (Greek: δημοκρατία, dēmokratiā, from dēmos ‘people’ and kratos ‘rule’) is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation (“direct democracy”), or to choose governing officials to do so (“representative democracy”).

What is a direct democracy simple definition?

Direct democracy, also called pure democracy, forms of direct participation of citizens in democratic decision making, in contrast to indirect or representative democracy.

What are the main principles of democracy?

The basic principles of democracy are:

  • Federalism.
  • Judicial review.
  • The rule of law.
  • Limited government.
  • Popular sovereignty.
  • Separation of powers.
  • Independent judiciary.
  • Elected representative.

How is media related to democracy?

Media has given political parties the tools to reach large numbers of people and can inform them on key issues ranging from policies to elections. In theory, media should be seen as an enabler for democracy, having better-educated voters would lead to a more legitimate government.

What is an example of democratic?

The definition of democratic is an attitude or a system that treats everyone equally. An example of democratic used as an adjective is the phrase democratic society which is a group of people who make decisions together, with each vote counting equally. An example of Democratic is the Democratic National Committee.

What are the factors affecting democracy?

Economic, cultural, and historical factors have been cited as impacting on the process.

  • Economic development and modernization.
  • Equality and inclusive institutions.
  • Culture.
  • Social capital and civil society.
  • State formation, state capacity, and democratization.
  • Elite-driven democratization.
  • Waves of democracy.