
What is a rectal line?

What is a rectal line?

Anatomical terminology. The pectinate line (dentate line) is a line which divides the upper third and lower two-thirds of the anal canal. Developmentally, this line represents the hindgut-proctodeum junction.

What are rectal areas?

The rectum refers to the last four or five inches of the digestive tract. The rectal outlet or opening is called the anal canal or anus. Problems in this area are common, but many adults are too shy or embarrassed to ask their doctor about them.

What is the perianal space?

THE perianal space is situated at the termination of the anal canal. MIorphologically. it represents part of the proctodaeum. Clinically it is the area where painful lesions of. the lower bowel occur.

How do I get a dentate line?

The dentate line is located one third below the entire surgical anal canal.

How do you get rid of rectal pressure?

To relieve general rectal pain, people can try:

  1. taking a sitz bath, or sitting in warm water for 15–20 minutes.
  2. applying a topical numbing ointment.
  3. taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication.
  4. eating a diet high in fiber and drinking plenty of water to prevent constipation and straining during a bowel movement.

What is the difference between a perirectal and perianal abscess?

Perirectal abscess is different from perianal abscess. Perirectal abscess is an infection that is deep and tracks up along the rectum into the pelvis and are very rare in healthy newborns and children.

What does a perianal abscess look like?

The most common type of abscess is a perianal abscess. This often appears as a painful boil-like swelling near the anus. It may be red in color and warm to the touch. Anal abscesses located in deeper tissue are less common and may be less visible.

Are all rectal tumors cancerous?

Nearly all rectal cancer develops from rectal polyps, which are benign growths on the rectal wall. Detection and removal of these polyps by colonoscopy reduces the risk of getting rectal cancer. Your doctor can provide exact recommendations for rectal cancer screening based on your medical and family history.

Where is the extraperitoneal space associated with the rectum?

CONCLUSION. The extraperitoneal segment of the rectum and its surrounding adipose tissue are encased by a fascia, like a sleeve, that can be seen on CT and MRI in healthy populations.

Where is the rectovesical space located in the male body?

Rectovesical Space (Male) Inferior to the rectovesical pouch, is a region known as the rectovesical space. The space is so named as it is located posterior to the urinary bladder and prostate, and anterior to the distal third of the rectum (extraperitoneal part).

What is the space between the uterus and the rectum?

The space between the middle and superior rectum and the uterus is known as the rectouterine pouch of Douglas. In both males and females, the rectovesical pouch and the rectouterine pouch of Douglas (respectively) not only communicate superiorly with the peritoneal cavity, but also bilaterally with the pararectal fossae.

Where are the pararectal spaces in the pelvis?

The pararectal spaces are paired, triangular-shaped spaces in the posterior pelvis.