
What is a macro in SAS?

What is a macro in SAS?

Macro is a group of SAS statements that is referred by a name and to use it in program anywhere, using that name. It starts with a %MACRO statement and ends with %MEND statement.

How do I create a macro variable in SAS?

The following are the rules for creating a macro variable:

  1. SAS macro variable names can be up to 32 characters in length.
  2. The first character must begin with a letter or an underscore.
  3. A macro variable name cannot contain blanks.
  4. A macro variable name cannot contain double-byte character set (DBCS) characters.

How do you identify a macro variable in SAS?

Every macro variable created is stored in one of two symbol tables. The symbol table lists the macro variable name and its value and determines its scope….Here are a few statements that are very helpful in determining which symbol table the macro variables are stored in:

  1. %PUT _USER_;
  2. %PUT _LOCAL_;
  3. %PUT _GLOBAL_;

What is %put in SAS?

The %PUT statement displays text in different colors to generate messages that look like ERROR, NOTE, and WARNING messages generated by SAS. To display text in different colors, the first word in the %PUT statement must be ERROR, NOTE, or WARNING (all uppercase letters), followed immediately by a colon or a hyphen.

How do you stop a macro in SAS?

If you are using macros, you can exit a macro smoothly with %abort as long as you either use no options or only use cancel . Depending on what you’re doing, you might set up your code to run in a macro (or macros) and use this option (although with the disadvantage of losing some log clarity).

How do macros work in SAS?

Macros allow you to execute a set of SAS statements with just one statement, and while this alone can be helpful, macros are even more powerful when you add parameters to them. Parameters are macro variables whose values are set when you invoke the macro. Parameters give your macros flexibility.

What is best format in SAS?

The BEST format is for converting numbers into strings that will best fit the width provided. But your program is trying to use the BEST informat instead of the BEST format. Informats are used to convert strings into values. Numeric informats convert strings into numbers.

DO loop in Macros SAS?

Suppose you need to pass a variable in loop based on the input defined in a macro. %macro report (input=, var = , class=); %let n=%sysfunc(countw(&var));

How do you end SAS?

Methods for Exiting SAS

  1. Select File Exit if you are using SAS in the windowing environment.
  2. Use endsas; .
  3. Enter BYE in the ToolBox if you are using SAS in the windowing environment.
  4. Use Ctrl+D if this control key sequence is your EOF command and if you are using SAS in interactive line mode.

What does macro do in SAS?

A SAS macro is way of defining parts of or collections of SAS statements which can be carried out repeatedly or which can substitute names of datasets or variables with symbolic names. SAS macro language also gives you the opportunity to insert programming steps inside a SAS code. SAS Macro Advantages:

What is SAS macro variable?

Macro Variables. A macro variable in SAS is a string variable that allows you to dynamically modify the text in a SAS program through symbolic substitution. The following example demonstrates how to create and use a macro variable. First we set up some system options to have a more concise output style.

How does SAS processes statements with macro activity?

How SAS Processes Statements with Macro Activity. In a program with macro activity, the macro processor can generate text that is placed on the input stack to be tokenized by the word scanner. The example in this section shows you how the macro processor creates and resolves a macro variable.

What is SAS macro language?

Macro language is a facility for generating SAS code programmatically. The macro language variables, functions, and statements are interpreted by the macro processor as a SAS program is being parsed at compile time. The text that is generated (resolved) by the macro language can then be interpreted as SAS code and run by the SAS compiler.