
What is a framing table?

What is a framing table?

But, what exactly is a framing table? A basic framing table is a mechanical fixture that holds and supports wall studs and plates at a comfortable working height. Studs and plates are laid out horizontally on the table, positioned, and then nailed together on top of the table.

What does a framing table do Minecraft?

The Framing Table is a tile entity added by Storage Drawers Simply put, it can be used to combine a Framed Drawer with any applicable block, creating a unique design.

How do you use framed drawers?

The Framed Drawer is a tile entity added by Storage Drawers. It must be given textures in a Framing Table before it is able to accept items. Most block textures will work.

How do you use the storage drawer mod?

Storage Drawers Mod

  1. Right-Click: Insert full stack in hand into drawer (or partial stack if the drawer fills).
  2. Double-Right-Click: Insert all compatible stacks in inventory into drawer (or until drawer fills).
  3. Left-Click: Remove a single item from the drawer.
  4. Shift+Left-Click: Remove a full stack from the drawer.

How do you use a compacting drawer?

While holding shift will extract a full stack. Deposits are performed with the right mouse button. One click will deposit a full stack, while two clicks (or click and hold) will deposit all stacks of said item from user’s inventory into drawer. The GUI can be opened by sneaking + right clicking with an empty hand.

How do you use a storage drawer controller?

It is used to interact with a group of drawers. It has to be touching the drawer bank. The Drawer Controller can coordinate the function of all connected drawers within a 12 block radius. Right-clicking materials on a Drawer Controller will automatically deposit the materials in the appropriate drawer.

How many drawers can a drawer controller handle?

The Drawer Controller can coordinate the function of all connected drawers within a 12 block radius. Right-clicking materials on a Drawer Controller will automatically deposit the materials in the appropriate drawer. There can be only one Drawer Controller in the system.