Users' questions

What is a displaced meniscus tear?

What is a displaced meniscus tear?

In this surgery, many times parts of the meniscus are cut out. When this happens or when the meniscus gets smaller due to wear and tear, the knee meniscus displaces outside the joint (called displaced on an MRI report), robbing the knee of this valuable shock absorber and causing more trauma to the joint surfaces.

Does Grade 2 meniscus tear require surgery?

How is a meniscus tear treated? If your MRI indicates a Grade 1 or 2 tear, but your symptoms and physical exam are inconsistent with a tear, surgery may not be needed.

Can a medial meniscus tear heal on its own?

In the case of meniscus tears, some people think the injury will heal over time on its own. But the truth is that there are different types of meniscus tears — and some tears won’t heal without treatment. If your tear is on the outer one-third of the meniscus, it may heal on its own or be repaired surgically.

Is discoid meniscus rare?

The incidence of discoid lateral meniscus is estimated to be 0.4% to 17%, whereas the discoid medial meniscus is extremely rare (0.1% to 0.3%)3–6). It has been reported that about 20% of cases are bilateral5,7,8).

Why is my meniscus tear not healing?

A tear on the inner two-thirds of the meniscus that won’t heal on its own because the area lacks blood flow to stimulate the immune system response. A tear that gives you a lot of pain or impairs use of your knee may require surgery to remove or repair the torn part of the meniscus.

How do you know if a meniscus tear needs surgery?

If you have a moderate to large tear at the outer edge of the meniscus (red zone), you may want to think about surgery. These kinds of tears tend to heal well after surgery. If you have a tear that spreads from the red zone into the inner two-thirds of the meniscus (called the white zone ), your decision is harder.

What percentage of meniscus tears require surgery?

Less than 10 percent of meniscal tears occurring in patients age 40 or older can be repaired. This is often because the tissue degeneration affects blood flow to the cartilage, making healing less likely after surgery. A doctor may recommend removing the damaged tissue and suggest physical therapy exercises.

Is it worth having meniscus surgery?

Surgery may help you reduce the risk of other joint problems, such as osteoarthritis. There are no long-term studies to prove it, but many doctors believe that successful meniscus repair helps to evenly spread the stress placed on the knee joint.

How is the medial meniscus different from the lateral menisci?

It is somewhat more in C shape as compared to lateral menisci as it is medial meniscus are clear of the plateau anteriorly and posteriorly. Anteriorly, it is also attached to lateral menisci by transverse ligament and patella either directly or by patellomeniscal ligaments which are anterior capsular thickenings.

What kind of cartilage is in the meniscus?

The menisci — the medial meniscus and lateral meniscus – are crescent-shaped bands of thick, rubbery cartilage attached to the shinbone (tibia). They act as shock absorbers and stabilize the knee.

Why does the medial meniscus have a rubbery texture?

The rubbery texture of the menisci is due to their fibrocartilagenous structure. Their shape is maintained by the collagens within them. One meniscus is on the inner side of your knee–the medial meniscus. The other meniscus is on the outer side of your knee–the lateral meniscus.

What are the symptoms of a degenerative meniscus lesion?

With a degenerative meniscus the symptoms are the same as in a traumatic meniscal lesion, although there may also can be problems with the patella or the cartilage. Symptoms are frequently worsened by flexing and loading the knee, activities such as squatting and kneeling are poorly tolerated.