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What happens if you hang up on the council?

What happens if you hang up on the council?

Hanging Up on the Council After you complete each Mission World and finish debriefing with your squad, you’ll have the chance to report back to the Council. During each one will be a point where one of them challenges one of Shepard’s decisions, and you can choose to disconnect from the call.

Is it better to save the council in Mass Effect?

They’re much more careful with you because you let the original Council perish in Mass Effect 1. You will not have the Destiny Ascension as a ship for your war effort in Mass Effect 3. Overall, we do recommend saving the Council as it offers more benefits further down the line.

Should I save or sacrifice the council?

Weighing the pros and cons, it’s best to save the Citadel Council at the end of Mass Effect 1. Whilst having the Destiny Ascension as a war asset is worth slightly less compared to the fully stocked Alliance fleets (70 vs. 100), Shephard will have an easier time throughout the trilogy by sparing the alien leadership.

How do you request a meeting with the council in Mass Effect 2?

Go to the Citadel. Use a Rapid Transit terminal to travel to the Presidium. Shepard will be met at the human embassy by Anderson. Udina and Anderson listen to Shepard’s input If Shepard saved the Council in 2183, there is a Council meeting underway.

What happens if you don’t save the council in Mass Effect?

If you let the Council die Afterward, you can decide whether Udina or Anderson becomes the Council member. Mass Effect 2 Consequences: The Council will not grant you an audience or reinstate you as a Spectre. If you elected Anderson as Councillor, he will reinstate you as a Spectre.

Is it worth saving the destiny ascension?

If the Destiny Ascension is saved, the asari have repaired and upgraded the dreadnought’s shielding and firepower, making it a formidable asset after the Council offers its support in retaking Earth. It then takes part in the final space battle over Earth.

What happens if the council dies in Mass Effect?

If you let the Council die, the Alliance forces will be superior War Assets in Mass Effect 3, while if you save them, the Alliance will be weakened, but you’ll get The Ascension as a War Asset to balance it out.

What happens if the council dies Mass Effect?

If you let the Council die Mass Effect Consequences: In the end scene, Udina plans to start a new Council. Mass Effect 2 Consequences: The Council will not grant you an audience or reinstate you as a Spectre. If you elected Anderson as Councillor, he will reinstate you as a Spectre.

What happens if the council listens to Shepard?

If Shepard saved the Council, the extent of their stance on the Reapers can be summed up in the turian Councilor’s words and gestures. If the Council is saved, then humanity gains their full trust. Either Anderson or Udina is appointed as the human Councilor, with the other becoming their assistant.

Where is the Volus credit chit?

Shepard needs to head to the Saronis Applications store in the back left corner of the main room on level 26. Talking to the Salarian clerk reveals that the Volus left it behind after buying something from the store. The clerk asks Shepard to tell the Volus he has it behind the counter.

What happens if you let the council live in Mass Effect?