
What ethnicities were living in the Ottoman Empire in 1914?

What ethnicities were living in the Ottoman Empire in 1914?

In 1914 the Ottoman Empire controlled 2.4 million sq km of territory, including all of modern-day Turkey and most of the Middle East. The empire was dominated by the Turks but also included Arabs, Kurds, Greeks, Armenians and other ethnic minorities.

What happened to the Ottoman Empire in 1915?

The Armenian genocide was the systematic mass murder of around one million ethnic Armenians in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. On 24 April 1915, the Ottoman authorities rounded up, arrested, and deported hundreds of Armenian intellectuals and community leaders from Constantinople (now Istanbul).

What was the Armenian population in 1914?

For example, in Diyarbekir the Armenian population was reported at 73,226 in the 1914 Ottoman census, but in September 1915 Mehmed Reshid announced that he had deported 120,000 Armenians from the province….Census data.

Vilayet Diyarbekir
Muslims 492,101
Greek Orthodox 1,822
Armenian Orthodox 55,890
Jews 2,085

Why was the Ottoman Empire so wealthy?

The empire’s success lay in its centralized structure as much as its territory: Control of some of the world’s most lucrative trade routes led to vast wealth, while its impeccably organized military system led to military might.

Which two groups were at odds in the Ottoman Empire?

Muslims and Hindus ; Persians and Indians. Who were the Janissaries? Slave soldiers that converted to Islam and became fierce fighters.

What is the Ottoman Empire today?

The Ottoman Empire is one of the largest empires in history. In existence for 600 years, at its peak it included what is now Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories, Macedonia, Romania, Syria, parts of Arabia and the north coast of Africa.

How many Armenians live in the world?

The total Armenian population living worldwide is estimated to be 11,000,000.

How many Armenians died in WW2?


Full Name Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic
Possessing Power Russia
Entry into WW2 22 Jun 1941
Population in 1939 1,320,000
Military Deaths in WW2 150,000

What was the population of the Ottoman Empire in 1915?

In April 1915 the Ottoman government embarked upon the systematic decimation of its civilian Armenian population. The persecutions continued with varying intensity until 1923 when the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist and was replaced by the Republic of Turkey. The Armenian population of the Ottoman state was reported at about two million in 1915.

What was the status of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire?

Scattered across the empire, the status of the Armenians was further complicated by the fact that the territory of historic Armenia was divided between the Ottomans and the Russians. In its heyday in the sixteenth century, the Ottoman Empire was a powerful state. Its minority populations prospered with the growth of its economy.

What was the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

In its heyday in the sixteenth century, the Ottoman Empire was a powerful state. Its minority populations prospered with the growth of its economy. By the nineteenth century, the empire was in serious decline. It had been reduced in size and by 1914 had lost virtually all its lands in Europe and Africa.

Who was the majority in the Ottoman Empire?

1893-96, Green shows Muslim majority, red shows Armenian majority. After 1893 the Ottoman Empire established a statistics authority (Istatistik-i Umumi Idaresi) under which results of another official census was published in 1899.