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What does the Christie charity do?

What does the Christie charity do?

The Christie charity helps to provide enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds. Donations and fundraising make a huge difference to the care and treatment that The Christie is able to provide to cancer patients and their families.

Is Christie Hospital a charity?

The Christie charity provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds. We are one of the largest hospital charities in the UK with 82p in every pound raised going directly to the patients. …

Is Christie’s an NHS hospital?

The Christie Hospital in Manchester, England, is one of the largest cancer treatment centres in Europe. It is managed by The Christie NHS Foundation Trust….

Christie Hospital

How do you raise money for the Christie?

The Christie charity undertakes venue fundraising at private sites such as supermarkets, malls and events, which is a very effective method of fundraising. These could include activities like bucket collections, sign ups to our weekly lottery or direct debit sign–ups.

How is the Christie Hospital funded?

Core funding for the laboratories was secured from the Medical Research Council and the Cancer Research Campaign (CRC). The CRC also located the CRC Department of Medical Oncology, led by Professor Derek Crowther, at the Paterson.

What are the Christie values?

These are:

  • Achievement and recognition.
  • Learning and development.
  • Healthy workplace.
  • Communication and engagement.
  • Proud of The Christie.

Why is the Christie called the Christie?

The Christie was named in honour of Richard and Mary Christie who were instrumental in setting up the cancer centre. Confronted with new diseases such as mule spinners’ cancer and chimney sweep’s cancer, doctors started looking for possible links to machine oils and airborne soot.

What are NHS values?

Values of the NHS Constitution

  • working together for patients. Patients come first in everything we do.
  • respect and dignity.
  • commitment to quality of care.
  • compassion.
  • improving lives.
  • everyone counts.

How many beds does the Christie have?

Number of beds 24 beds – mostly arranged in 4-bed bays.

What are the 5 NHS values?

What are the NHS Values?

  • Working together for patients.
  • Respect and dignity.
  • Commitment to quality of care.
  • Compassion.
  • Improving lives.
  • Everyone counts.

What does the Christie charity do for patients?

Everything The Christie charity does is for the benefit of patients and their families. The Christie charity works alongside The Christie to provide enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds. The Christie charity helps to fund care and treatment, research, education and extra support services.

How can I donate to the Christie charity?

The easiest way to give money to The Christie is to donate online using our simple donation form below. We’re really grateful for any support you can provide. If you want your donation to go further Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you donate, The Christie charity will get an extra 25p from HMRC as all charities can reclaim tax on gifts.

Who are the trustees of the Emerton Christie charity?

The Emerton-Christie charity is a grant-making trust donating to other charities or voluntary bodies. While the trustees may select beneficiaries at their discretion, they tend to focus on the following: The Emerton-Christie Charity is registered with the Charity Commission (registered number 262837).

Where does the money go when you play the Christie lottery?

When you play The Christie charity Weekly Lottery, you support The Christie, one of the world’s top cancer treatment centres. For every £1 line you play, 50p goes directly towards funding clinical trials, patient care and research.