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What does Tantivy mean?

What does Tantivy mean?

Tantivy is an adverb as well as a noun that refers to a rapid gallop. Although its precise origin isn’t known, one theory has it that tantivy represents the sound of a galloping horse’s hooves.

What does the word breakneck mean?

: very fast or dangerous breakneck speed.

What is Tan Tara?

Tantara is a shortening of the Latin taratantara, an onomatopoetic word that in ancient times that evoked the terrible sound of the war-trumpet. Today, “tantara” is sometimes used as a synonym of “fanfare,” a word for a short, lively sound of trumpets that may also be onomatopoetic in origin.

What is shore up mean?

1 : to support (something) or keep (something) from falling by placing something under or against it They shored up the roof/wall. 2 : to support or help (something) The tax cuts are supposed to shore up the economy.

What does Full Tilt mean?

As fast or forcefully as possible, as in Running full tilt on that very uneven ground, she was bound to trip and fall or Trying to keep up with new orders, the factory was running at full tilt. Originally referring to the combatants’ thrust of a sword or lance, this term has been used figuratively since about 1700.

What is a 2 face?

The definition of two-faced is someone who is insincere or who acts one way in certain situations and then in a contrary manner in others. An example of someone who would be described as two-faced is a person who pretends to be your friend and then starts calling you names as soon as you leave the room. adjective.

What is meant by duplicative?

adjective. involving duplication, especially unnecessary repetition of effort or resources: The report will highlight examples of wasteful or duplicative spending.

What is a meteoric rise?

adjective. If you use meteoric when you are describing someone’s career, you mean that they achieved success very quickly. his meteoric rise to fame. Synonyms: spectacular, sudden, overnight, rapid More Synonyms of meteoric.