
What does strike your heart mean?

What does strike your heart mean?

To attack the central part or most crucial element of something; to attack the part that allows something to function.

What does stuck a cord mean?

If something strikes a chord, it causes people to approve of it or agree with it: If something strikes a chord, it causes people to remember something else because it is similar to it. …

Did it strike a chord in your heart?

COMMON If something strikes a chord or touches a chord, it makes you respond in an emotional way, usually because you understand and identify with it. Little wonder that the play touched such a responsive chord in the hearts of both the young and the old.

What is the meaning of strike the right chord?

To be perfectly suitable for a particular situation or circumstance; to get something exactly right. The commercial struck the right chord with its target audience, and was one of the most highly rated spots of the year.

What does fear struck mean?

To frighten, terrify, or horrify someone. While rather impractical and ineffective in combat, the use of flamethrowers in World War II was very effective at striking fear into civilians and enemy soldiers alike. The recent epidemic has struck fear into countries around the world. See also: fear, strike.

What does strike fear mean?

Definition of strike fear into the hearts of : to cause (someone) to be very afraid : to frighten a horrific accident that struck fear into the hearts of skiers everywhere The idea struck fear into their hearts.

What is strike balance?

: to achieve a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance trying to strike a balance between respecting the past and moving into the future He needs to strike a better balance between his work life and his family life.

How do you make someone fear you?

Stand up straight, look people in the eye when speaking to them. Project confidence, even if you don’t feel confident. You can fake it till you make it. Speak loud and clearly, and don’t be scared to disagree with someone.

How do you strike someone into fear?

Say what you mean and then check understanding. Instead, say what you mean and then check understanding. By having someone confirm back to you, you’ll know that they’ve taken it on-board. Whatever you do, don’t bring other people into the dispute to back you up.

What does the term’strike a chord’mean?

Trigger a feeling or memory, as in That poem strikes a chord in all those touched by the Holocaust. This term alludes to striking the strings or keys of a musical instrument. [First half of 1800s] Also see strike the right note.

What does it mean to strike at the heart of something?

To attack the central part or most crucial element of something; to attack the part that allows something to function. By cracking down on the opium trade, the task force is hoping to strike at the heart of terrorist funding in the region.

Who is the publisher of strike a chord?

It is a case which has shocked America – and one which has struck a chord with every family with teenagers. Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

Where was the movie to strike a chord filmed?

To Strike a Chord – directed by Smethwick-born Calvin Brown – was filmed in Birmingham and Coventry. The characters of Dinah and Carly will surely strike a chord with the vast number of lesbians who consider themselves part of mainstream, workaday America and who don’t relate to the hip, urban-dyke environments of films such as Go Fish.