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What does EZIC stand for in papers please?

What does EZIC stand for in papers please?

The Order of the EZIC Star
The Order of the EZIC Star, or just EZIC, (sometimes called “the Order”) is a mysterious organization in Papers, Please. The inspector has to choose between ignoring EZIC or cooperating with it during the game. Depending on the degree of cooperation, different endings will occur.

What happens if you take the EZIC gift in papers please?

The money from EZIC you receive on day 11 or 12 will always be confiscated, together with any other savings you have. This act will clear the investigation, but will not allow you to get the money back. If you burn the money, you will get to keep your other savings.

Is EZIC good or bad papers please?

Is EZIC good or bad? It is known that EZIC are much better for THE AGENT AND HIS FAMILY, as we see that they get much better living conditions at the start of the revolution. However EZIC MAY be even worse (But nothing says they wont be better) and be much more aristocratic and harsh againts different populations.

What happens if you kill the red man in papers please?

Shooting him will immediately result in one of two endings: Ending 9 occurs if the inspector shoots the man in red with the sniper rifle. This will also unlock the Hired Rifle achievement.

Is Arstotzka good or bad?

Arstotzka is the primary antagonistic setting of the 2013 videogame Papers, Please. It is a brutal dictatorship which represses its people, but attracts many immigrants due to the economic opportunities. Dependent on player choice, Arstotzka may be the main protagonistic faction or the main antagonistic faction.

What happens if you deny everyone in papers please?

Denying an entrant with valid documents will lead to a citation. Care must be taken when denying entry. Once a passport is stamped with ENTRY DENIED, it overrules all ENTRY GRANTED stamps on it.

Is Obristan better than Arstotzka?

Jorji Costava describes Obristan as a good place. The country also comes off as more stable than war-torn Arstotzka and other countries, as none of Obristan’s internal or external problems are brought up in the game. Obristan requires re-entry tickets from Obri passport holders who wish to re-enter the country.

What is the code for endless mode on papers please?

Endless mode is unlocked by entering a five-digit code, which is unlocked after reaching ending 20 in story mode. The code is 62131, and it is shared among all copies of the game and is not generated separately for each player or playthrough.

Where is Arstotzka located in real life?

Where is Arstotzka located in real life? Arstotzka is bordered by Kolechia (Ukraine) with Antegria and Republia resembling the real life Latvia and Estonia and the United Federation being the real Russian Federation.

What is the EZIC gift in Papers Please?

I just got a gift of a thousand credits in the game, which is listed as EZIC GIFT in the end of day screen. The ability to uncheck it seems to indicate that something negative will come out of it. What is it and what are its effects? EZIC, referred to as the Order of the Ezic Star, is a mysterious organization in Papers, Please.

Is there any way to keep the 1000 or 2000 credit EZIC gift?

Source: Papers Please Wiki. Is there any way to keep the 1000 or 2000 credit EZIC gift? No. The EZIC money you receive on day 11 or 12 will always be confiscated, together with any other savings you have. Your neighbour always “reports you for your wealth”, even if you have done nothing to appear wealthy.

Who is the EZIC Messenger in Papers Please?

The organization asserts that it existed by the period Arstotzka was established and served the same function as in the time the events of the game take place. An EZIC messenger delivering a note. The inspector first encounters EZIC when a mysterious hooded messenger hands him a black card on day 8.

What do you do with the EZIC card?

Seeing as the card only appears on the last level of the Beta, EZIC isn’t mentioned again. However, on the back of the card, an immigrant’s name is shown. The player must give the card to that person who will then say “If you help us, we will help you”. After a few days, The EZIC will give you 1000 credits with the option to burn it.