
What does D elevate mean?

What does D elevate mean?

1 : to lift up or make higher : raise elevate a patient’s leg exercises that elevate the heart rate. 2 : to raise in rank or status was elevated to chairman. 3 : to improve morally, intellectually, or culturally great books that both entertain and elevate their readers. 4 : to raise the spirits of : elate.

What is a elevating?

to move or raise to a higher place or position; lift up. to raise to a higher state, rank, or office; exalt; promote: to elevate an archbishop to cardinal.

What is elevate in medical terms?

(ĕl″ĕ-vā′shŭn) 1. A raised area that protrudes above the surrounding area. 2. The measured distance above a fixed object, e.g., the distance above sea level, or above a fixed anatomic structure.

What does elevate to influence mean?

to raise to a higher intellectual or spiritual level: Good poetry may elevate the mind. to raise the spirits; put in high spirits.

What are two synonyms for elevate?

Some common synonyms of elevate are boost, heave, hoist, lift, raise, and rear.

How do you use elevate in a sentence?

raise in rank or condition.

  1. His energy and talent elevate him to godlike status.
  2. Good books may elevate the mind.
  3. The teacher hoped to elevate the minds of her young pupils by reading them religious stories.
  4. Don’t elevate your superiors to superstar status.
  5. Emotional stress can elevate blood pressure.

What does it mean to elevate yourself?

vb tr. 1 to move to a higher place. 2 to raise in rank or status; promote. 3 to put in a cheerful mood; elate.

What’s another name for elevate?

Some common synonyms of elevate are boost, heave, hoist, lift, raise, and rear. While all these words mean “to move from a lower to a higher place or position,” elevate may replace lift or raise especially when exalting or enhancing is implied.

How do you use the word elevate in a sentence?

The doctor said I was to keep my leg elevated.

  1. Language has elevated humans above the other animals.
  2. The earthquake highlighted the vulnerability of elevated highways.
  3. Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank.
  4. The platform was elevated by means of hydraulic legs.
  5. He was elevated to the post of prime minister.

What does enrapture mean in English?

transitive verb. : to fill with delight.

What is a sentence for elevation?

1. The road climbs steadily to an elevation of 1400 feet. 2. Their tents were situated at an elevation of 3000 metres.

Which is the best definition of the word re-elevate?

to move or raise to a higher place or position; lift up. to raise to a higher state, rank, or office; exalt; promote: to elevate an archbishop to cardinal. to raise to a higher intellectual or spiritual level: Good poetry may elevate the mind. to raise the spirits; put in high spirits. to raise (the voice) in pitch or volume.

What’s the difference between elevate, enhance, and heighten?

syn: elevate, enhance, exalt, heighten mean to raise or make higher in some respect. To elevate is to raise up to a higher level, position, or state: to elevate the living standards of a group.

What’s the difference between elevate and exalt?

To elevate is to raise something up to a higher level, position, or state: to elevate the living standards of a group. To enhance is to add to the attractions or desirability of something: Landscaping enhances the beauty of the grounds. To exalt is to raise very high in rank, character, estimation, mood, etc.:

What does Cont’d stand for in a script?

CONT’D (an abbreviation for continued) should be written next to the character’s name to indicate that their speech is continued. Here comes the tricky part: MORE needs CONT’D but CONT’D doesn’t need MORE. Wait what?! Let’s take a look at The Prestige script to see why.