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What does cede mean root?

What does cede mean root?

Words ending in -cede or -ceed are related to the Latin cedere meaning “to go, move away, withdraw, yield.” For example secede often means to withdraw from a larger area, concede means to yield to a winning opponent, and succeed can mean to follow after.

What does the root word of phone mean?

The Greek root word phon means “sound.” This word root is the word origin of a number of English vocabulary words, including microphone, phone, and saxophone. An easy way to remember that phon means “sound” is through the word symphony, which is many instruments making a “sound” together.

What does the cede mean?

to yield
Cede means “to yield or grant typically by treaty.” Most of the verb senses of seed are concerned with planting seeds (either literal, as of plants, or figuratively, as of ideas).

Which root means good?

The word root Bon comes from Latin for good.

What does the root Greg mean?

-greg- , root. -greg- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “group; flock. ” This meaning is found in such words as: aggregate, congregate, desegregate, gregarious, segregate.

What is full form of phone?

The Full Form of Phone is Personal Handset Over Network Equipment.

What is an example of cession?

Cession is the act of giving up something, usually land, by the agreement in a formal treaty. For example, after a war, a losing country might make a cession of part of its land to the victor.

What does Phon mean in Greek?

sound; voice
-phon- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning “sound; voice. ” This meaning is found in such words as: cacophony, homophone, megaphone, microphone, phonetic, phonics, phonograph, phonology, polyphony, saxophone, stereophonic, symphony, telephone, xylophone.

What root means time?

root temp
The Latin root temp means “time.” This Latin root is the word origin of a fair number of English vocabulary words, including contemporary, temporary, and the Latin phrase tempus fugit.