
What does Bradstreet conclude at the end of the poem?

What does Bradstreet conclude at the end of the poem?

What does the speaker conclude at the end of the poem? That God is vengeful and should be feared. That she should have taken more steps to prevent this disaster. That her relationship with God and belief in Heaven are the true riches in her life.

In which set of lines of upon the burning of our house does the speaker allow herself to mourn her house and belongings?

The speaker allows herself to mourn her house and her possessions. What does she focus on in lines 25-35? Her things she lost and the fact that no one will sit and visit here again or eat at that spot and the things that won’t happen in that house because it is gone.

What are the speakers initial feelings presented in lines 1/10 on discovering the fire?

Terms in this set (9) What are the speaker’s initial feelings, presented in lines 1-10, on discovering the fire? She seems afraid and upset that her house is burning. The fire was what was supposed to happen.

What attitude of the speaker is expressed in lines upon the burning of our house?

This poem is autobiographical, based on the fire that engulfed the poet’s house in flames. The dominant attitude of the speaker is one of acceptance. She believes that she will be compensated in the afterlife for living a good and pious life on earth. This attitude very much reflects the poet’s Puritan faith.

What does then straight I gin my heart to chide mean?

Then straight I ‘gin my heart to chide, and did thy wealth on earth abide?” ( Bradstreet 36-38) Biblical allusion: Ecclesiastes 12:8- “Everything is useless! The Teacher says that everything is useless.” Meaning in poem: All earthly possessions are useless and meaningless.

What is the main idea of upon the burning of our house?

Major Themes in “Verses upon the Burning of our House”: Faith and acceptance are the major themes of this poem. The poem narrates a tragic incident that destroyed her home. It represents the internal struggle of the speaker whose earthly house turned into ashes.

What does Bradstreet conclude about the reason for the fire that burned down her house?

What is Bradstreet’s relationship with her husband? What does Bradstreet quickly conclude about the reason for the fire? That nothing was hers in the first place because everything is God’s and He gives and takes away. The speaker allows herself to mourn her house and her possessions.

Which of the following most directly led to the start of the First World War?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the immediate cause of a war between two great powers—Russia and the Habsburg Austro-Hungarian Empire.

What is the house on high erect described in lines 43 46?

What is the house on high erect described in lines 43 46? house on high erect/ Frameed by that mighty Architect,” (lines 43-44) which represents the home in heaven created by God. It is in this way Bradstreet is saying that though she is in despair over her loss, she knows that it is all in God’s predestined plan.

What does a house on high erect mean?

When Bradstreet writes “Thou hast an house on high erect..” she means that— God has a heavenly home for all believers. You just studied 15 terms!