
What does a substation electrician do?

What does a substation electrician do?

A substation electrician is a highly skilled professional responsible for inspecting, maintaining, and repairing substation electrical equipment. The common types of equipment they work with include oil circuit breakers, transformers, and insulators.

Who is responsible for electrical substations?

Electricity distribution companies are responsible for the network of power lines, underground cables, substations etc., that get electricity to your home or business in the area where you live.

Is it safe to live near electric substation?

Q: What are the health risks of living near a substation? Scientific evidence does not support a cause-and-effect relationship between EMF exposure and health risks. People get most of their EMF exposure from electrical wires along the street and from wiring in their homes.

How much does a substation transformer cost?

While the cost for one additional transformer foundation and appurtenant materials might cost about $150,000, the transformer itself might cost anywhere from $900,000.00 to $1,200,000.00 depending on it’s capacity.

What is a safe distance to live from an electrical substation?

The strongest magnetic fields are usually emitted from high voltage transmission lines — the power lines on the big, tall metal towers. To be sure that you are reducing the exposure levels to 0.5 milligauss (mG) or less, a safety distance of 700 feet may be needed.

Can you build next to a substation?

If you are building near an overhead line, you must preserve the voltage safety clearance distances, both for the finished development and during construction (e.g. for scaffolding or cranes). If the development is near a substation you must be very careful about buried cables.

Is it bad to live near a transformer?

Most scientists believe that exposure to the low-level EMFs near power lines is safe, but some scientists continue research to look for possible health risks associated with these fields. If there are any risks such as cancer associated with living near power lines, then it is clear that those risks are small.

How far should I live from power lines?

The strongest magnetic fields are usually emitted from high voltage transmission lines — the power lines on the big, tall metal towers. To be sure that you are reducing the exposure levels to 0.5 milligauss (mG) or less, a safety distance of 700 feet may be needed. It could be much less, but sometimes more.

How much does it cost to install a new transformer?

It costs between $100 and $175 to replace a transformer in a furnace. The labor makes up the rest of the part’s price. The transformer is used to convert incoming electrical power to usable volts.

What kind of voltage is used in substations?

The 115 kV voltage level is commonly used to deliver power to sub-transmission systems and distribution substations. The 230 kV and 345 kV voltage levels are commonly used to deliver bulk power to transmission and sub-transmission substations.

What is the sub transmission voltage in New Hampshire?

While the sub-transmission system may operate at voltages from approximately 15 kV through 138 kV, the sub-transmission systems in New Hampshire are primarily operated at 34.5 kV, with some 23 kV and 46 kV systems.

How are transmission lines connected in a substation?

A transmission substation’ connects two or more transmission lines. The simplest case is where all transmission lines have the same voltage. In such cases, substation contains high-voltage switches that allow lines to be connected or isolated for fault clearance or maintenance.

What do you need to know about a distribution substation?

Distribution substation. The downtown areas of large cities feature complicated distribution substations, with high-voltage switching, and switching and backup systems on the low-voltage side. More typical distribution substations have a switch, one transformer, and minimal facilities on the low-voltage side.