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What does a high CPK mean?

What does a high CPK mean?

When the total CPK level is very high, it most often means there has been injury or stress to muscle tissue, the heart, or the brain. Muscle tissue injury is most likely. When a muscle is damaged, CPK leaks into the bloodstream. Finding which specific form of CPK is high helps determine which tissue has been damaged.

What happens if CPK is too high?

When the total CPK level is very high, it most often means there has been injury or stress to muscle tissue, the heart, or the brain. Muscle tissue injury is most likely. When a muscle is damaged, CPK leaks into the bloodstream.

Why CPK test is done?

Your doctor may order a CPK blood test to: help them diagnose a heart attack. find the cause of your chest pain. find out how much heart or muscle tissue has been damaged.

What CPK level is considered high?

In summary, renal injury with high serum CPK values becomes a true concern when levels of CPK reach 5,000 IU/L and the patient has serious co-morbid disease such as volume depletion, sepsis or acidosis. Otherwise, values of up to 20,000 IU/L may be tolerated without untoward event.

What are symptoms of high CPK levels?

Elevated creatine kinase may accompany symptoms that are related to other body systems including:

  • Confusion or loss of consciousness, even for a brief moment.
  • Garbled or slurred speech.
  • Loss of vision or vision changes.
  • Muscle aches and pains.
  • Muscle stiffness.
  • Paralysis.
  • Sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body.

What are the symptoms of high CPK levels?

What causes increased CPK?

Certain drugs such as cholesterol lowering drugs (statins) can damage muscle and elevate CPK. Other causes are alcohol, viruses, hereditary conditions. Finally CPK can be elevated in certain autoimmune diseases that cause inflammation in the muscle such as polymyositis or dermatomyositis.

What does an elevated CPK test mean?

An elevated CPK level simply means that damage to muscle has occurred somewhere in the body. In suspected heart attack patients, an elevated level from the time of admittance to the second or third test can indicate that a heart attack has occurred.

What does high level of CPK indicate?

When muscle tissue is damaged, CPK leaks into your blood. Therefore, high levels of CPK usually indicate some sort of stress or injury to your heart or other muscles. To test CPK, blood is drawn from a vein in your arm.

What does it mean to have a high CPK level?

High CPK levels can mean that a tissue has been damaged due to a person suffering a heart attack, stroke, or head injury. Elevated CPK levels in a blood test could also show up if a person has hypothyroidism, takes statins for a long time, or has an autoimmune condition.

What does it mean when your CPK level is high?

When the total CPK level is very high, it most often means there has been injury or stress to muscle tissue, the heart, or the brain.