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What can Osgood Schlatter lead to in adults?

What can Osgood Schlatter lead to in adults?

Osgood-Schlatter disease in adults may cause: Pain that gets worse with exercise. Tenderness under the knee. Swelling in the knee area.

Can Osgood Schlatter hurt as an adult?

Osgood-Schlatter disease is a painful condition causing inflammation just below the knee. Common in adolescents during growth spurts, Osgood-Schlatter disease can affect adults if not properly assessed and treated.

How serious is Osgood Schlatter?

Long-term effects of OSD usually aren’t serious. Some kids may have a painless bump below the knee that doesn’t go away. Very rarely, doctors will do surgery to remove a painful bump below the knee. Some adults who had OSD as kids or teens have some pain with kneeling.

Do you need to see a doctor for Osgood Schlatter?

Though Osgood-Schlatter disease is usually a minor condition, getting a proper diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications. If your child is experiencing symptoms of the condition, you should: Schedule an appointment with your child’s doctor.

How long can Osgood Schlatters disease last?

The condition usually occurs in just one knee, but it can affect both knees. The discomfort can last from weeks to months and can recur until your child stops growing.

How did Osgood-Schlatter disease get its name?

DEFINITION and ORIGIN. Medical conditions were traditionally named after the doctors who first described them and Osgood Schlatter’s Disease came from two doctors: Dr. Osgood and Dr. Schlatter. They called it a disease over a century ago in 1903. So the condition was named after them and the word ‘disease’ has stuck too until this day.

What is Osgood-schlatters disease?

Osgood-Schlatter disease is a painful condition that affects the upper part of the shin bone (tibia). It most commonly occurs in teenagers who play sport. It causes pain and swelling just below the knee.

Does Osgood-schlatters disease affect adults?

Many athletes find that stretching the quadriceps and hamstring is also helpful. Osgood-Schlatter disease typically goes away over time (months to years after the normal bone growth stops). Some adults who had Osgood-Schlatter disease during adolescence are left with a “knobby”…