Users' questions

What are the most hilarious rate my professor reviews?

What are the most hilarious rate my professor reviews?

Here are some of most hilarious Rate My Professor reviews which will make you go ROFL. These are the most brutal, mean and funny reviews on Rate My Professor by the students. So, let’s have a look at these 25+ Most Hilarious “Rate my professor” Reviews.

How does work for students?

RateMyProfessors, though it lets the student identify the course that they took with the professor, combines the ratings for all courses taught by each professor, instead of providing separate ratings averages for each course taught.

How many professors are there on the College Rating site?

The site includes 8,000+ schools, 1.7 million professors, and over 19 million ratings. Users who have or are currently taking a particular professor’s course may post a rating and review of any professor that is already listed on the site. Furthermore, users may create a listing for any individual not already listed.

What can I do about negative reviews on my professor profile?

As a Professor, what can I do about negative reviews on my profile? I’m a Professor and I want to remove my profile. Will my professor know that I have rated them? Can you explain the rating scale?

Where can I go to rate my teachers?

Despite this, they’re tightening up the guidelines so that overly-negative comments will get removed. As for the site itself, you can find schools and courses by country. Once you find your school and/or teacher, you can read what other people think of it through their answers in the questionnaire. 2. Rate My Professors

What was the original purpose of rate my teachers?

Since its creation, Rate My Teachers has changed hands between different owners. It had a redesign from its new owners, so it’s unlike what people remember from the past. Rate My Teachers attempted to stymie the negative commentary from students by breaking it down into a questionnaire.

Can You Say Anything at the face of a professor?

A professor who was really irritating but unfortunately, you cant say anything at his face fearing detention. But then the internet happened and made everything possible. If you want to say anything to any professor, the internet will help you do it without revealing your identity.

What’s the difference between HBR2 and HBR3 DP?

Note the U2520D DP Capability DP 1.4 (HBR3). The laptop in this case is HBR2 as shown in: Link Rate (Current): HBR2. HBR2 (High Bit Rate 2) is the standard used by DisplayPort 1.2. HBR3 (High Bit Rate 3) is the standard used by DisplayPort 1.3/1.4. 0 Kudos.

How can I tell if my laptop is HBR2 or HBR3?

One quick way to identify this is to open the monitor Menu- Others- Display Info and look for something like this found in the U2520D Menu- Others- Display Info. Note the U2520D DP Capability DP 1.4 (HBR3). The laptop in this case is HBR2 as shown in: Link Rate (Current): HBR2.