
What are the advantages and disadvantages of web based learning?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of web based learning?

Advantages of web-based learning (WBL) in medical education include overcoming barriers of distance and time, economies of scale, and novel instructional methods, while disadvantages include social isolation, up-front costs, and technical problems.

What are the disadvantages of web based instruction?


  • Access to appropriate computer equipment can be a problem for students.
  • Learners find it frustrating if they cannot access graphics, images, and video clips because of poor equipment.
  • The necessary infrastructure must be available and affordable.

What are the advantages of web based learning?

Asynchronous: the production of the education content can occur at one time or over a period of time. The learner(s) can access this content at any time thereafter at their convenience. Economies of scale: one educator can reach countless learners at low cost.

What are the advantages of augmented web based instruction?

AR can help students become more engaged during classes by offering new ways of content presentation and enhancing collaboration. An interactive content presentation with context-aware information on the learners’ devices can help them to connect with the lesson on a deeper level.

What are the different types of web based learning?

Types of Online Learning

  • Asynchronous Online Courses. These types of course offerings do not take place in real–time.
  • Synchronous Online Courses.
  • Hybrid Courses.
  • Providing Continuity.
  • Distributing Materials.
  • Creating Content.
  • Curating Content.
  • Fostering Collaboration.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ubiquitous learning?

Advantages and disadvantages of ubiquitous learning

  • Personalization. Because of its adaptability, ubiquitous learning is personalized to everyone’s needs, profile and interests.
  • Interactivity. It allows constant interaction with others, both synchronously and diachronically.
  • Community.
  • Motivation.
  • Attractive.

What are the two major categories of web-based learning?

They identify just two primary types of e-learning: computer-based e-learning and internet-based e-learning.

What are the different types of web-based learning?

What are the 3 categories of web-based instruction?

In our review of the literature on Web-based instruction is organized according to three categories: 1) study characteristics; 2) methodological characteristics; and 3) course characteristics.

What are the two major categories of Web-based learning?

Is Web-Based Training effective?

The course provides highly task-oriented instruction for a computer software package and was developed using a proven instructional design methodology. The data from this study show that Web-based training is as effective as instructor-led training for stand-alone software application training in a corporation.

What is the pros of ubiquitous learning?

The most obvious advantage of ubiquitous learning is that learners can be anywhere. Similar to previous implementations of learning using technology in education, learners are not tied to a certain location.