Users' questions

What are symptoms of L3 L4 disc herniation?

What are symptoms of L3 L4 disc herniation?

Symptoms and Signs Stemming from L3-L4

  • Sharp pain, typically felt as a shooting and/or burning feeling that may occur in the thigh and/or inner part of the leg.
  • Numbness in the thigh and/or inner part of the leg.
  • Weakness while moving the thigh and/or knee in different directions.

Can bulging discs cause flank pain?

One of the most common reasons for flank pain is the degeneration of the squishy discs that cushion the 26 vertebrae, or bones, of your spine. As you get older, the discs can compress and cause pain. They can even rupture and bulge out, which you may have heard called a herniated disc or a slipped disc.

How do I know if its kidney pain or back pain?

Unlike back pain, which usually occurs in the lower back, kidney pain is deeper and higher up the back. The kidneys can be found underneath the ribcage, on each side of the spine. Pain from the kidneys is felt in the sides, or in the middle to upper back (most often under the ribs, to the right or left of the spine).

What are the symptoms of L4 nerve damage?

Common Symptoms and Signs Stemming from L4-L5

  • Sharp pain, typically felt as a shooting and/or burning feeling that originates in the lower back and travels down the leg in the distribution of a specific nerve, sometimes affecting the foot.
  • Numbness in different parts of the thigh, leg, foot, and/or toes.

How do you sleep with L4-L5 disc bulge?

If you have a herniated disc, you may want to try sleeping on your side curled in a fetal position:

  1. Lay on your back and then roll over gently onto your side.
  2. Tuck your knees toward your chest and gently curl your torso toward your knees.
  3. Remember to switch sides from time to time to prevent any imbalances.

Where does your back hurt with a kidney infection?

The pain of kidney infection may be felt on the sides (flanks) and the back. Unlike the classical back pain due to muscle or bone involvement, which typically affects the lower back, kidney pain is felt higher up and at a greater depth.

Is back pain a symptom of kidney disease?

Pain in the back may come from kidney disease if you have infection or blockage of the kidneys. Other forms of kidney disease rarely cause pain in the back. The most common cause of back pain is disease of the muscles or spine and not kidney disease.

What are early signs of kidney problems?

Signs of Kidney Disease

  • You’re more tired, have less energy or are having trouble concentrating.
  • You’re having trouble sleeping.
  • You have dry and itchy skin.
  • You feel the need to urinate more often.
  • You see blood in your urine.
  • Your urine is foamy.
  • You’re experiencing persistent puffiness around your eyes.

What are the symptoms of bulging disc L4 / L5?

If the budged disc touches sciatic nerve, sciatica symptoms occur. These symptoms are extremely common in the case of bulging disc l4/l5 due to the fact the 2 vertebrae are close to the sciatic nerve. Once this happens, you will get sciatica.

What causes a L3 or L4 herniated disc?

L3/L4 herniated discs often exist in combination with herniations at the lower 2 levels, as well and multi-level degenerative disc disease, which is probably the source of the herniations in most instances. This can present a frightening diagnostic conclusion which can impart an extreme nocebo effect.

How to tell if you have bulging disc?

1 Tingling or pain in the fingers, hands, arms, neck or shoulders. This could indicate a bulging disc in the cervical area. 2 Pain in the feet, thighs, lower spine and buttocks. This is the most common symptom and could indicate an issue in the lumbar region. 3 Difficulty walking or feeling of impairment while lifting or holding things.

What are the symptoms of T12 L1 disc herniation?

In the T12-L1 disc herniation group (n = 3), muscle weakness and atrophy below the leg were advanced, and bowel and bladder dysfunction were also noted.