
What are similarities of the lithosphere and asthenosphere?

What are similarities of the lithosphere and asthenosphere?

Both the lithosphere and asthenosphere are part of Earth and are made of similar material. Lithosphere is made up of Earth’s outermost layer, the crust, and the uppermost portion of the mantle. In comparison, the asthenosphere is the upper portion of Earth’s mantle (which is also the middle layer of Earth).

What is the connection between lithosphere and asthenosphere?

The lithosphere is the brittle crust and uppermost mantle. The asthenosphere is a solid but it can flow, like toothpaste. The lithosphere rests on the asthenosphere.

Is lithosphere and asthenosphere the same?

The lithosphere (litho:rock; sphere:layer) is the strong, upper 100 km of the Earth. The lithosphere is the tectonic plate we talk about in plate tectonics. The asthenosphere (a:without; stheno:strength) is the weak and easily deformed layer of the Earth that acts as a “lubricant” for the tectonic plates to slide over.

What is the relationship between the lithosphere and asthenosphere quizlet?

The relationship between the Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, and Mesosphere is the lithosphere contains the tectonic plates, the Asthenosphere the plates move on top of them, and the Mesosphere convection currents move in this layer help drive the plates in the Lithosphere.

What is the biggest difference between the asthenosphere and lithosphere?

Main Differences Between Lithosphere and Asthenosphere The lithosphere consists of the earth’s crust and the uppermost solid layer of the mantel. But asthenosphere consists of only the uppermost weakest layer of the mantel. The lithosphere is elastic due to the crust and the tectonic plates being a part of this layer.

Is asthenosphere part of lithosphere?

The lithosphere is the solid, outer part of the Earth. The lithosphere includes the brittle upper portion of the mantle and the crust, the outermost layers of Earth’s structure. It is bounded by the atmosphere above and the asthenosphere (another part of the upper mantle) below.

Is the asthenosphere in the lithosphere?

The lithosphere includes the brittle upper portion of the mantle and the crust, the outermost layers of Earth’s structure. It is bounded by the atmosphere above and the asthenosphere (another part of the upper mantle) below. There are two types of lithosphere: oceanic lithosphere and continental lithosphere.

What are the 2 types of plates?

There are two types of plates, oceanic and continental.

What are the two types of plates?

What is the meaning of lithosphere and asthenosphere?

What are 3 ways the asthenosphere is different from the lithosphere?

What are 3 ways the asthenosphere is different from the lithosphere?

Lithosphere Asthenosphere
Characterized as elastic and less ductile Has a higher degree of ductility than the lithosphere
Ranges from a depth of 80km and 200 km below the earths surface Extends to a depth of 700km below the earths’ surface